New York Daily News

Sis: Couldn’t overcome his demons


CALIFORNIA KILLER Kevin Neal reached the end of his extremely frayed mental tether the day before his Tuesday shooting rampage that left four dead — and his helpless family saw the breakdown coming.

Kevin Neal, 44, who also wounded 10 people in the terrifying shooting spree across Rancho Tehama Reserve in Northern California, had called his mother Monday to say he “was on a cliff and there’s nowhere to go.”

Neal, a discharged airman with a history of mental illness, according to his family, had no business being anywhere near a gun, his older sister said.

“If he couldn’t get the health care he needed, he had zero business with guns,” Sheridan Orr, 46, told the Daily News. “He did not need to have a gun.”

Orr (photo inset) said her brother left the family’s home in Raleigh, N.C., in 2010 to be closer to the nature he loved in the woodlands of Tehama County — and to take control of his mounting paranoia.

“I feel like he was trying to r run the demons out of him,” she s said. “At the end of the day, they were still there, and he never learned how to control them.”

Neal was working as a pot farmer in California and recently married his longtime g girlfriend, according to his m mother.

He was killed by police as he t tried to flee after shooting his way through Rancho Tehama Reserve — including firing into a local elementary school. Two children — one at the school a and the other in a car with his mom — were wounded in the melee.

His mother, who asked only to be identified as Anne, out of fear of reprisal from the Californ nia neighbors Neal often warred with, said he told her in his last phone call Monday, “I have done everything I could do and I am fighting against everyone who lives in this a area.”

In addition to the Tuesday spree of violence, authoritie­s say Neal killed his wife Monday and stuffed her under a floor at their home.

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