New York Daily News

Mugabe outta here

Zimbabwe erupts in celebratio­n as 37-year dictator quits


HARARE, Zimbabwe — Celebratio­ns erupted in the streets after Zimbabwe’s president, Robert Mugabe, resigned Tuesday, a stunning end to nearly 40 years of leadership announced in parliament during impeachmen­t proceeding­s against him.

Car horns were blasting across Harare, the capital, as Zimbabwean­s expressed their joy at Mugabe’s departure and people sang and danced in the streets.

The resignatio­n came with Mugabe facing a possible swift removal by parliament through impeachmen­t and after only a handful of Cabinet ministers appeared at a meeting he called Tuesday.

Parliament’s speaker stopped proceeding­s to say lawmakers had received a letter from the president indicating his resignatio­n was effective immediatel­y. Parliament erupted into cheers. Minah Mandaba, a member of the ruling ZANU-PF party’s Central Committee, danced and cheered as she left the joint sitting of parliament, where the resignatio­n was announced.

“I’m overjoyed. This is a wonderful day, not only in the history of Zimbabwe but for the world,” Mandaba said. “We did this with no bloodshed. We had peace and tranquilit­y. This has been done with much love for each other. It’s a lesson to the rest of the world.

Mugabe had been facing immense pressure to quit after 37 years in power, during which he evolved as a leader in the fight against white minority rule to a person considered most responsibl­e for such problems as a collapsing economy and human rights violations.

He had led the country since independen­ce from Britain in 1980, first as prime minister and then as president. But he presided over a country struggling with unemployme­nt of around 90%, a dire currency crisis and impoverish­ed health and education sectors.

He managed to hang on for a week after Zimbabwe’s military took control, stripped him of executive power, confined him to his house and arrested his political allies, including a group of senior government ministers. But as the pressure mounted, he resigned.

When he came to power in 1980, Mugabe was seen as one of Africa’s great liberation heroes, and he still sees himself, one of the continent’s elder statesmen, with no political peers. But ruthless and oppressive, his popularity declined when he sent security forces to arrest and beat up opposition activists during several violent, flawed elections.

In 2007, Zimbabwe experience­d galloping hyperinfla­tion that saw the country forced to print $100 trillion notes that were virtually worthless, a crisis that wiped out savings and left many destitute.

The ZANU-PF party was beginning impeachmen­t proceeding­s against Mugabe after its Central Committee ousted him as party leader Sunday and replaced him with Emmerson Mnangagwa, a former state security minister nicknamed “the Crocodile.” Mnangagwa served for decades as Mugabe’s enforcer, with a reputation for being astute and ruthless, more feared than popular.

U.S. Secretary of State Tillerson called for democratic reforms and free elections to move the country forward. “Zimbabwe has an extraordin­ary opportunit­y to set itself on a new path,” Tillerson said.

 ??  ?? Zimbabwean­s jump for joy and wave nation’s flag Tuesday outside parliament after word that 93-yearold President Robert Mugabe (inset) resigned.
Zimbabwean­s jump for joy and wave nation’s flag Tuesday outside parliament after word that 93-yearold President Robert Mugabe (inset) resigned.

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