New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


We live in a political world. You must to some degree be a master of that realm. Know how people organize their structures of power and influence, and focus on the people who can actually make things happen. Then do what you can to become someone who knows how to move the game forward, the better to help yourself and others who deserve to succeed. You share a birthday with Harpo Marx, Bruce Hornsby and Page Kennedy. MARCH 21-APRIL 19 If you can work with people in authority, you will do a lot better. Start by not seeing them as your enemy. Then, remember that you can be cooperativ­e and supportive of something larger than yourself without sacrificin­g a shred of your dignity, or compromisi­ng your ethics in any way. APRIL 20-MAY 20 You’ll find over the next few days that being negotiable is an asset. Negotiatin­g is not just about giving things up. It’s about working out an arrangemen­t where everyone gets some or most of what they need, and willingly makes a few concession­s. Be flexible and work this to your advantage. MAY 21-JUNE 20 When you must set a boundary, which means a limit, then that is the thing to do. You might be tempted to suspend your own personal ethics and go out of your way to please someone. You would probably not feel so good about that. Make sure you agree to nothing that could compromise your integrity. JUNE 21-JULY 22 The opinions of peers and acquaintan­ces may be pressuring you to conduct yourself a certain way in your most intimate relationsh­ips. However, you’ve been through this territory before, and you have no need for moral guidance. You are well acquainted with matters of right and wrong. JULY 23-AUG. 22 You can say anything to anyone, though you would be wise to have your true opinion in all its color and glory, and an edited version ready for public relations purposes. Rather than say what you think, you would do better asking people what they think, and noticing whether they do. AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 You may need to put some thought into understand­ing what the real issue is. There’s a masquerade going on, and the reason you’re feeling confined or restricted isn’t what you think. Do you have the freedom to say anything you want? Do you have the freedom to feel whatever you feel? SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 It may take you few tries to say what you have to say. First you’ll get the idea right, then you’ll get the feeling right, then you’ll go back to revising your idea. Let this process of going back and forth proceed for a while as you balance out the equation and arrive at your personal truth. NOV. 22-DEC. 21 Make sure you distinguis­h your opinions from those of others, such as parents, partners and authority figures. If you find yourself feeling in any way inadequate, or as if you lack power over your own life, verify that your point of view is actually your own and not the result of conditioni­ng. a OCT. 23-NOV. 21 What seems to be a financial matter may be nothing of the kind. Consider that what you may be feeling is a deep need to express yourself in some way. Even if you don’t consider yourself creative, get your thoughts and feelings flowing with some mode of expression that does not involve words. DEC. 22-JAN. 19 If you woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, then keep waking up. It may be that you need to rearrange your day and address a more important priority than you had planned. This could be something urgently necessary, or just something that you want to do. JAN. 20-FEB. 18 Most of your successes of the next few months will come from informal contacts rather than formal ones. You might meet a prospectiv­e client or business partner in a restaurant. You might get an idea while you’re sitting in the sauna rather than at your computer. Mix things up a little. FEB. 19-MARCH 20 Today’s contact between Mercury and Chiron is urging you to pay attention to your surroundin­gs, to treat others with the utmost respect, and to look for opportunit­ies. What you first think might be implausibl­e, or a mediocre idea, just might turn out to be the one that hits big time.

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