New York Daily News


Editor ripped ‘Dangerous’ as fake, unfunny


EDITORS AT Simon & Schuster combed through the pages of Milo Yiannopoul­os’ manuscript, repeatedly urging him to “delete irrelevant and superfluou­s ethnic” jokes before the company deemed the book “unacceptab­le for publicatio­n.”

Newly released documents, filed as part of the publishing house’s rebuttal to a lawsuit filed by Yiannopoul­os in July, includes an annotated manuscript of “Dangerous,” complete with comments from editor Mitchell Ivers and sections of dashed out text.

The editor’s first critique — a criticism repeated throughout the manuscript edits — warns Yiannopoul­os (below) against “egotistica­l boasting.”

“I will not accept a manuscript that labels an entire class of people ‘mentally ill,’ ” Ivers wrote in a section that labeled feminist ideology as a “made up fairy tale.”

Joke after joke in the text was met with the red pen. “Unclear, unfunny, delete,” one note reads at the start of the book.

“Three unfunny jokes in a row. DELETE!”

Ivers in the end appears to grow weary of the 33-year-old’s humor, telling him the “inappropri­ate humor is irritating.”

In response to a chapter called “Why Ugly People Hate Me,” Ivers suggested the self-proclaimed troll delete the entire section.

“The book is better overall without hitting these ‘ugly people’ notes in other chapters and better overall by deleting this one,” Ivers wrote. The editor also calls for additional citations and sources in the text, often questionin­g the validity of the author’s claims.

“This entire paragraph is just repeating Fake News. There was NO blood, NO semen and there was NO Satanism. Delete,” the editor wrote beside unsubstant­iated text about Hillary and Bill Clinton.

The annotated version of the text, which features a total of nearly 600 comments and critiques, is Yiannopoul­os’ second stab at responding to the company’s suggested edits.

Ivers this week shared the court filings on Twitter, writing “Retweeted without comment.”

Simon & Schuster, which reportedly paid Yiannopoul­os $250,000 in advance, in February dropped the book from its publicatio­n list after a video emerged in which Yiannopoul­os appears to support pedophilia.

The former Breitbart technology editor published “Dangerous” through his own publishing company in July. It enjoyed a top spot on Amazon’s best-seller list upon its release.

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