New York Daily News

Disrupter disrupted


Steve Bannon is right. We repeat: Steve Bannon is right. President Trump’s erstwhile campaign head and White House strategist hurls an incendiary charge: that the June 6, 2016, meeting between the Trump campaign and Russian operatives was a very big deal, and that covering it up was a very fateful error.

As quoted in an upcoming book by Michael Wolff, Bannon sharpened a shiv and stuck it in the sides of Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort and Don Trump Jr., all of whom were in the room looking to collect dirt on Hillary Clinton from a hostile power:

“Even if you thought that this [meeting] was not treasonous, or unpatrioti­c, or bad s--t, and I happen to think it’s all of that, you should have called the FBI immediatel­y.”

The t-word may well be overheated, but the overarchin­g point is not debatable — and explodes the President’s dismissive mantra that there was no collusion, and that even if there were collusion, it’s not a crime.

No wonder the President himself unleashed holy hell on a man he has repeatedly praised, saying Bannon has “nothing to do with me or my presidency” and “When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind.”

A President at war with everything he defines as the establishm­ent is now battling his own insurgency. And on at least one crucial point, the insurgency has the moral high ground.

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