New York Daily News

They won’t boot tweeter-in-chief


Trump has bragged about his mental prowess in the past, once telling CNN, “I’m smart. Great marks. Like really smart.”

After reports last year that Secretary of State Tillerson referred to him as a “moron,” the President fired back that “we’ll have to compare IQ tests. And I can tell you who is going to win.”

Questions about Trump’s mental stability have simmered in Washington as Trump’s unfiltered Twitter habit and erratic behavior have left many in the Beltway unnerved.

Trump’s recent boast that his “nuclear button” is bigger than Kim Jong Un’s in North Korea, led George W. Bush’s ethics lawyer, Richard Painter, and others to claim Trump is “psychologi­cally unfit.”

More than a dozen lawmakers last month met with a Yale University psychiatry professor to discuss Trump’s fitness for office, according to Politico.

Dr. Bandy Lee reportedly warned the group the President is “going to unravel.”

Rep. Eric Swalwell(D-Calif.) invited his GOP colleagues to help check what he called “not normal behavior.”

But Wolff’s book turned up the volume on the whispers, forcing the White House to deny claims that Trump is mentally unfit.

Wolff stood by his work on Friday, telling NBC’s “Today ” that several of Trump’s senior officials believe he’s a “moron, an idiot.”

Trump’s personal lawyers sent a cease-and-desist letter to Wolff and his publisher and asked for an apology.

“Where do I send the box of chocolates? Not only is he helping me sell books, but he’s proving the point of the book,” Wolff said, calling Trump’s attempt to stop the sale of the book “extraordin­ary.”

Trump fired back at Wolff personally on Saturday, calling him a “fraud” and lamenting libel laws during his outburst at Camp David.

“It’s a disgrace that he can do something like this. Libel laws are very weak in this country,” Trump said. “If they were stronger, hopefully, you would not have some- thing like that happen.”

Trump is scheduled to have his first full physical as President on Friday. The results will be made public. TWITTER CAME to President Trump’s defense as calls for his account to be suspended mounted — without mentioning him by name. World leaders who use Twitter help foster “necessary discussion,” the social media platform said in a statement Friday, even though critics pointed out that Trump’s Jan. 2 tweet threatenin­g nuclear war against North Korea violated the company’s terms of service. “Blocking a world leader from Twitter or removing their controvers­ial tweets would hide important informatio­n people should be able to see and debate,” Twitter said. “It would also not silence that leader, but it would certainly hamper necessary discussion around their words and actions.” Twitter also fought back against claims that it was profiting from Trump’s prolific use. “No one person’s account drives Twitter’s growth, or influences these decisions,” it said.

 ??  ?? President Trump on Saturday issued self-praising tweets about his brains and psychologi­cal health after being derided as a dunce in new book.
President Trump on Saturday issued self-praising tweets about his brains and psychologi­cal health after being derided as a dunce in new book.
 ??  ?? Jessica Chia
Jessica Chia

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