New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


Seek not just to understand the tension between you and close partners, but also to use it as leverage, or even as fuel. Know the points of agreement and disagreeme­nt. Be honest with yourself where you’re trying to assert control and, instead, work for compromise that does not involve sacrifice. If you do this, you can proceed from a place of mutual interests. You share a birthday with Hank Aaron, Christophe­r Guest and Laura Linney. MARCH 21-APRIL 19 If there’s some unexpected situation that shifts your plans, go with the flow and see where that leads you. You’re not giving up on what you want; rather, you’re taking a little ride on the winds of fortune, and experiment­ing where you might arrive. Opportunit­y abounds; you can trust that. APRIL 20-MAY 20 With Venus aligning beautifull­y with planets of healing and invention, you will be at your most brilliant this week. Take it gently, and gather as much informatio­n as possible before you express your opinion. You are wise beyond your years, though you must never be smart beyond your ears. MAY 21-JUNE 20 Listen carefully for clues, both from yourself and from those around you. Something is in the air that may be difficult to talk about or even painful to consider. Don’t dive all the way in. Feel around the edges of the issue and gradually work your way toward the center. This might take a few days. JUNE 21-JULY 22 It’s easier to talk about your feelings when you’re not drowning in them. Certain elements of your current solar chart give you the ability to step up on dry land and translate your emotions into words. A little detachment is a good thing. Not a lot; just a little, when you need to use that tool. JULY 23-AUG. 22 While good sex is an important foundation of any love affair, for the relationsh­ip to have meaning and endurance, the place where you must connect is spirituall­y. In truth, love means being in love with life. Connection with another person is a connection with all of existence. AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 Be prepared to respond to questions about money, and not let others jerk you around. Finances are one area of life that present a test of true integrity. Honesty begins and ends with the budget and the bank balance. You know the numbers, you know the rules, and you know what’s fair. SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 Anything actually interestin­g or creative will be a bit rebellious. This can range from any design breakthrou­gh to an interestin­g way of solving a problem. Rebellion is moving in any direction other than what is considered normal and accepted. You can do that elegantly right now. OCT. 23-NOV. 21 There are forces filtering into your mind that may be agitating or stirring up anxiety. That doesn’t actually mean there’s something wrong; only that you need to ease your mind, get some grounding and maybe wait for the Moon to enter your sign later tonight. Then you’ll definitely feel better. DEC. 22-JAN. 19 Don’t let anyone push you around today, especially with their fears or insecuriti­es. While you’re at it, be vigilant about your own anxieties and make a conscious choice not to let them guide you. Mars is lighting little fires inside your mind. Convert that light and heat to inspiratio­n. FEB. 19-MARCH 20 The more you understand yourself and acknowledg­e both your motives and your insecuriti­es, the easier it will be to work with others. You need collaborat­ion, though your sensitivit­y requires that these must be meaningful relationsh­ips, complete with trust, respect and the freedom to make mistakes.

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