New York Daily News

Tragic pond boy ‘just like his father’


THE AUNT of a heroic 11-year-old boy who lost his life after plucking his friend from a frozen Queens pond says the tragedy has devastated their family.

Anthony Perez never managed to make it out of the frigid waters at Strack Pond in Forest Park after rescuing his 12-year-old pal Tuesday afternoon.

“We’re in shock, we’re numb, devastated,” said Perez’s aunt Ida Centineo, as she held back tears.

“I have to watch my brother bury his only child. I feel like I can’t breathe,” she said.

“He reminds me of my brother,” Centineo continued as she thought of young Anthony’s sacrifice. “Because my brother would’ve been the first one to jump in, as well. See, he was just like his father.”

As Anthony’s shattered relatives huddled together inside the family home, his awestruck neighbors hailed the courage of the boy known for his big heart and bright smile.

“God made him and he made an angel,” said neighbor Angela Vargas, 65.

“He gave his life for his friend. No kids do that.”

The nightmare was set in motion when Anthony’s pal walked out on the frozenover pond, ignoring a sign that warned “Danger — thin ice.”

The ice gave way, sending the boy into the water.

Anthony (photo), who was standing on the edge of the pond, rushed over in time to aid his friend. But he was unable to get back out himself.

By the time first responders got to the child, he had been submerged for roughly 30 minutes.

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