New York Daily News

Never give up on Natalie Wood


Monroe Township, N.J.: I just can’t believe it. My dreams are finally coming true. Law enforcemen­t in Los Angeles has identified Robert Wagner as a “person of interest” in the 1981 drowning death of Natalie Wood. Wow. I always told my wife and friends when that sleaze actor’s name came up that I believed they both overdrank and that he let her drown because of a fight they had.

Wood was the most beautiful person in the world to me. I met her once in my uncle’s restaurant in California when I was in the Navy, and my heart went out to her. She was so beautiful and girllike, and she kissed me on the cheek.

I’m happy this son of a bitch is really being investigat­ed. Thank you to the L.A. sheriff’s office for keeping the investigat­ion open for all these years. Rocco Roy G. Vanasco

Boo for Hollywood

Northam, England: I am not a political person or a supporter of Donald Trump, but why not consider doing some sort of article about the Hollywood hypocrisy we are seeing at the moment? How can members of the industry criticize Donald Trump for his comments about immigrants and minorities while dishing out nomination­s and awards to actors like Gary Oldman, who has often ranted about minorities like the Jews in Hollywood? What about all the women who marched on the anniversar­y of Trump’s inaugurati­on when it is alleged that actresses like Meryl Streep protected the likes of Harvey Weinstein so he could get her awards? How can they claim any kind of moral high ground? Trump is able to point out that they are no better than he is. Marie Edwards

Against men

Manhattan: I despise Donny Trump, his ilk and all he stands for. However, I would vote for him if the Democrats put up Oprah Winfrey or anyone like her. A dozen black-clad actresses and their girlfriend­s demand parity of the purse. They should get it. These overpriced thespians should get the same wage farmworker­s, hotel workers, etc., get. A home attendant deserves more than many of these women. Winfrey is a billionair­e. I’m also tired of the man-bashing witch hunt these folks are on. When women dress and make themselves up to attract men, and a guy comes on to them, that is not harassment. If you’re not interested, just say no. Sexual harassment is a two-way street.

Daniel Jean Lipsman

Truth in presidenti­ng

Campbell Hall, N.Y.: It’s past time that Donald Trump gets his own nickname, as he is so fond of using them to refer to his opponents and critics. In my opinion, “Cheatin’ Don” says it all. Scott Hunter Flushing: No more POTUS. He’s now GOTUS, as in Golfer of the United States, or better yet, Got Us, as in he screwed us with tax reform, except for himself and his rich friends. Need proof? He said to his friends at Mar-a-Lago: “You all just got a lot richer.” He GOTUS good. Joe Grimm

Anagram time

Brooklyn: Our POTUS pouts a lot! Rose M. Walsh

Borderline personalit­y

Howard Beach: The only place where a wall (soundproof) should be built is around the tweeting psychopath-in-chief.

Steven Schwartz

Say what you will

Staten Island: Sen. Martin Golden has to apologize for referring to opioids as “not a ghetto drug,” yet rap performers can use the most disgusting lyrics in their music. Please, people, get over being black. Fran Bocignone

Stop smoking now

Levittown, L.I.: My dad died 52 years ago of emphysema, at age 61. He could not walk up a flight of stairs. When we left him at the cemetery, I took my cigarettes out of my pocket and threw them into his grave. I am now 75 years old and I play a fast sport for which I run three times a week, two hours a session. He died like in the commercial where people are struggling for air, with tubes connecting them. Live longer. Stop smoking. Jack Schiereck

Spit it out

Port Monmouth, N.J.: To Dusty Baker: Putting that toothpick in your mouth all these years was terrible. You know, kids watch baseball and they copy people. What if a kid choked on one and died? I think that would be a terrible thing. Stop this bad habit before it happens to you. Good luck. Ann Hampton

Tip for service

Hampton Bays, L.I.: My grandniece is attending the military academy at West Point. I was thinking about her, and the rest of our young men and women and the future of our country. After four years of military school they have to serve five years of active duty to fulfill their obligation to the armed forces. Why not count the four years of schooling, if they decide to stay in the military? Nine years instead of five goes a long way toward a 20-year retirement. For 11 years, we get the best of the best. It’s a win-win for all.

George Miller Albany: For ages, progressiv­es have howled that America must always take the moral high road. The recent anti-American, anti-Israel vote at the UN shows the reward of that foolish policy. Appeasemen­t by another name! We get no respect.

William Stewart Far Rockaway: Congress may pass a law repealing Obamacare. This law would cause the bankruptcy of medical facilities. Therefore, it would dramatical­ly increase the number of homeless people and thereby drasticall­y increase crime. Bernard Venditto

On a short lease

Manhattan: All of this talk about landlords being held accountabl­e is nonsense. At Fort Tryon Gardens apartments in Washington Heights, Clipper Equity is making tenants beg for their renewal leases. Tenants are so afraid and/or fed up they will not even talk about it to investigat­ors. What do we do? Is any authority listening? Mende C. Anderson

Jane’s edition

Palmyra, Pa.: Re Hanoi Jane: I don’t like Megyn Kelly, but good for her about Jane Stinko Fonda. Most people don’t remember what she did during the Vietnam “conflict,” and it should never be forgotten. She’s a crumb. The only reason she gets on TV and in pictures is to keep her on Screen Actors Guild health insurance. She doesn’t deserve publicity of any kind. Joan Cantara

Social insecurity

Flushing: Just take a look at the government’s past record of miscalcula­tions and broken promises on Social Security. Congress has already spent our Social Security trust fund reserves and replaced them with a worthless IOU. Congress continues to tax our Social Security benefits every year. The government has already shortchang­ed our annual cost-of-living increases, which is one reason why COLAs were nearly zero in 2017. Congress also recently enacted a surprise change in Social Security benefits that will mean thousands of dollars in lower benefits for some married couples who will soon begin collecting benefits. We must speak out now. Frank Sforza

DACA dilemmas

Astoria: As someone who considers himself liberal and fair-minded, I have never turned anyone away who is in need of something. I try to live by that rule. I also have to live by the rules of our government and society: pay bills, pay my taxes, do unto others as you would want done to you. I’m not religious, but I have common sense. DACA is bigger than the Republican­s and Democrats. There has to be some meeting of the minds and common-sense solution. Also, DACA children who are now adults and barely have legal status are now having children of their own. That is a message of being entitled and not thinking about their babies. Or maybe they know they will get away with it. I for one know that if I were not a legal citizen I would not bring a child into this mess until my mess was fixed. It’s called baby steps and trying to do the right thing. Good luck to all and to taxpayers who are footing the bill for everyone else. David Feuerman

Brady’s bunch

AP Manhattan: It’s not right to mock children or anybody else for that matter on a live broadcast. However, it goes on and nobody really says anything or care. But because you are wealthy superstar Tom Brady’s daughter, all other children are inferior? A man could get fired for Brady’s walking off the show. Would the host’s job be questionab­le if this were an ordinary, unknown poor child?

Marsha Diamond

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