New York Daily News

Most car crashes equal crimes


Plainview, L.I.: Dorothy Bruns may have killed “only” two children but, given what appears to be her record of dangerous driving, she deserves to be locked up for life in the same prison cell with Nikolas Cruz, who killed 14 kids. And while I’m at it, I’d also jam into that same cell New York State’s 213 legislator­s, since it’s their lax laws that fail to treat deadly auto “accidents” as the violent crimes they usually are. Richard Siegelman Glendale: Sadly, with respect to drivers like Dorothy Bruns, whether they drive or not is a matter of conscience. As somebody who has been epileptic for over 60 years, I chose not to drive. The law only requires that you be seizure-free for two years, and I’ve done that, but there is never a guarantee that a breakout seizure won’t occur. Since the vehicle that wouldn’t hurt others had not yet been invented, my conscience turned me into a non-driver. Not having a license led to lifetime of people asking why, but I have no regrets. Charles Knoell Brooklyn: There has to be a law that does not allow anyone with a medical condition to be driving a vehicle. Marie Feinstein

Read up

Forest Hills: To Voicer John Romano: I just read your letter about the Holocaust, Jews and guns. I hope you are a young gentleman with an inquisitiv­e mind open to reading and learning. Otherwise, you are an NRA puppet and/or a delusional Trumpian. So you think Poland and France were without guns when the Nazis came to town? Books and documentar­ies are not hard to find. Check them out.

Carol Miles

Exquisite Eli

Shavertown, Pa.: I’ve been a New York Giants ticket holder since 1974, in good times and bad. How could you let Pat Leonard be a Giants writer? He badmouths Eli Manning every time he mentions his name. I’m proud to have Eli as our guy. Bob Weller

Taxing Trump

Brooklyn: I just heard a rightwing pundit on TV saying that President Trump, by raising tariffs on imports, is fulfilling his campaign promises. He does not realize the damage that this could cause. Trump also promised ad nauseam to make America great again. So far he is doing the opposite. Little by little, he is chipping away at our democracy. He fancies himself a dictator who wants to be President for life. Why is this ignorant buffoon still in office? God help us.

Nancy D. Bennett

More of same

South Amboy, N.J.: With all the talk about cloning, be careful what you wish for. Imagine President Trump cloning himself and a bunch of Mini-Mes running the White House. Let’s leave well enough alone. Barbara Bird

Good drugs

Astoria: I am 73 years old and have been on Oxycodone, 10mg, since August 2016. I suffer chronic, at times severe pain due to lumbar spinal stenosis, and arthritis in my cervical spine, my hands, feet and knees. I have had cervical spine surgery and a total knee replacemen­t. I have, so far, declined further surgeries. At first, I had been prescribed 180 10-mg pills for 30 days. I now am prescribed 150. I take 5 10-mg pills a day. It is possible to take opioids without abusing them.

Jimmy Paolino

Leave Christians alone

Oakdale, L.I.: Re the “Wumo” comic strip from March 5: Although it may seem like harmless social satire, its purpose is to hold someone’s religion to the highest ridicule. That religion is Christiani­ty. It deals with the birth of the son of God and its followers are many. Christmas is a holy day and national holiday, as well, and should be treated as such and respected.

Regina and Mike D’Alessandro

Bullets fly

Great Neck, L.I.: Why must every day lately feel as if it is Nov. 23, 1963 , over and over again? Soon, it will be the 50th anniversar­y of Dr. Martin Luther King’s assassinat­ion; then, in June, it is the 50th anniversar­y of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy’s assassinat­ion. What has changed in 50 years? Absolutely nothing! Oh, yes, now it is our precious and beautiful children who are killed.

Nadine Feingold

False and heinous

Bronx: To the stupid, moronic idiots who think it’s a joke to make false calls to schools threatenin­g to shoot them up, just stop it, it’s not a joke for parents to be scared to send their kids to school fearful they might not return. Here’s my solution. I don’t care if you’re a juvenile, you grew up without a father or you forgot to take your meds — if caught, and you’re over 18, you get an automatic 10 years in jail. No excuses. The chaos that you’re causing with the evacuation of schools and presence of extra police is inexcusabl­e. If I were a judge I would not have mercy on your sorry self. Gilbert Washington

No comparison

Suffern, N.Y.: In “A history lesson for young activists” (column, March 27), Errol Louis compares modern-day activism to the civil rights movement. Occupy Wall Street was mentally ill people and drug users living in pigsties, Black Lives Matter is a terrorist group calling for cop-killing, and the Women’s March is run by a radical Muslim woman. Louis should apologize to the veterans of the civil rights movement for comparing them to the garbage that passes for today’s activism.

Wallington Simpson

Going south

Brooklyn: The fact that Sheriff Scott Israel could not take control when violence erupted in Parkland and refused to take responsibi­lity means he should be removed by Florida’s governor and go down as the chief coward of Broward County. Elliott Abosh

Dress for failure

Flushing: NYCHA Chairwoman Shola Olatoye looked more like she was going to a party than being quizzed by the City Council (“Pol heat on Shola,” Feb 7). She was all decked out in her pretty pink dress, gold jewelry and a nice hairdo. If she showed as much interest in the job as she does about her appearance, perhaps the people living in housing projects wouldn’t have the problems they do. Evelyn Zorovich

Moms’ raw deal

Manhattan: Re “Blaz: I wish city could pay my wife” (March 8): Mayor de Blasio, welcome to the world of divorced women who were stay-at-home mothers. Yes, this impacts women disproport­ionately. The New York State judicial system and legislator­s don’t think we deserve lifetime alimony despite having been in a long-term marriage. Do you think a spouse made partner at a law firm without the wife’s help? Who do you think took care of the children while they were pulling all-nighters? What about our contributi­on in entertaini­ng clients, helping navigate office politics, attending conference­s and retreats? We didn’t have a conflict of interest and made a joint agreement. We missed the memo that staying at home appears to be a crime to some judges. I sent the Mayor’s Office at least 17 requests to discuss this and related issues. I apparently cannot obtain a meeting since I failed to make a campaign donation. Janice S. Lintz

Mayor may we?

Brooklyn: Mayor de Blasio, please keep a portion of Rikers Island open for the Traitor in Chief, his family and all the swamp rats he had in his campaign and administra­tion. This section could be renamed Trump’s great, wonderful, beautiful, best ever Big House. Believe me! Ken Ackermann

Arms race

Vero Beach, Fla.: I fear the day when Iran gets nuclear weapons, for the call by the NRA will then be, “When ordinary citizens aren’t allowed to have nuclear weapons, only terrorists will have them.” Stephan Schwebke

Losing ground

Tobyhanna, Pa.: Re “Still few minorities at top schools” (March 8), I’m puzzled how only 527 black and Hispanic students could qualify for the nine specialize­d high schools, about 60 students per school. I went through my Brooklyn Tech yearbook — class of 1975 — and about one- third of the 1,500 graduating seniors were black or Hispanic. I guess kids were a lot smarter back then. Of course, the schools weren’t run by progressiv­es either. Joseph Matarazzo

Best pictures

TODD MAISEL Manhattan: I have been following the Daily News’ Academy Awards coverage for 40 years. In 1978, The News ran a huge photo of Raquel Welch arriving at the Oscars. In 1991, the Daily News printed a photo of Madonna at the Oscars. This year, I was saddened that my favorite paper had not one photo of Eliza Gonzalez at the Oscars. In my opinion, she is the most beautiful actress working in Hollywood.

Guillermo Rodriguez

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