New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


MYou must act with precision this year, where your most cherished goals are concerned. And you must do everything in your power to actually reach the place you intend to be; which means not giving up when things become challengin­g, or time becomes thin. Bring yourself back to the work each and every day, getting stronger and wiser as you do. You share a birthday with Wilhelm Reich, Dorothy Height, and Jim Parsons. MAY 21-JUNE 20 You are an idealist. Always remember that. The little kid in you is alive and well, and wants the world to do the right thing -- just like you wanted your parents and other adults to do the right thing. Now you have an opportunit­y to make a difference -- in fact, you’re about to have many. JUNE 21-JULY 22 Your motivation should be running high today, and you’re in a position to make contact with influentia­l people. They can help you, and you can help them: this is the way of the world, as long as robots aren’t in charge. And at the moment, the humans are running the show; so get busy. JULY 23-AUG. 22 Your chart is all about getting the word out. Yet you may be concerned that the particular message you have goes against some current trend. No need to be worried; you are correct in your assessment, and that’s an invitation to speak a little more clearly, and bit louder. AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 Lately there is this idea about ‘sacred contracts’, which is an evolution on an older idea of ordinary ones. Yet all promises are sacred, and all agreements are part of the delicate fabric of society. You already invest part of yourself into everything you commit to. Go the whole distance. SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 You must take leadership today. Every now and then, your role as madame, Den Mother, or chair of the PTA emerges, and today is one such day. Look after everyone around you. Make sure everyone is taken care of. Do that Libra thing and tie up all the loose ends masterfull­y. OCT. 23-NOV. 21 If you have to say something, don’t hold back on the emotional content. That’s about the only thing people can hear these days. Yet you might slip in one elegant rationale or rationaliz­ation, since that’s been proven by psychologi­sts to convince people to go along with the program. NOV. 22-DEC. 21 Making money is a creative act. You might not think it’s on the level of abstract impression­ist painting, but it’s close. For you, your means of acquiring wealth must align with your deepest sentiments about life. It’s essential that you never violate your principles. Hey, at least you have some. DEC. 22-JAN. 19 Today may be the day you find your confidence. You may still have to deal with the little nagging voice challengin­g you. Give that voice a job. Appoint it editor of doubt, and give it a weekly column. This way it has a place, among many other more encouragin­g influences. JAN. 20-FEB. 18 The single most important thing you can do is be nice to people. Set aside any feelings of jealousy or competitio­n, and cooperate with everyone, doing what you can even for people you don’t like so much. You will have fun, and they will be left wondering what planet they’re on. FEB. 19-MARCH 20 Doing the right thing is the best business plan any Pisces can have. Thankfully, it’s the only one you can actually stand. Make your plans known today, mainly by voting with your feet. Get out into your community, and establish your intentions through direct action, and human contact.

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