New York Daily News



Dear Laura Ingraham, Happy Easter, you phony Christian. And while I’m at it, I want to wish you a good spring break vacation with your three children. How lucky and how grateful must you be to still HAVE children to enjoy — unlike the 17 families whose children were slaughtere­d in a mass shooting at Parkland High School, the community you so disrespect­ed last week when you mocked one child survivor among them while standing with your feet firmly planted in that vile bucket of hate called your TV platform.

How many prayers are you offering for those 17 dead children and the 17 others who were wounded, on this, one of the holiest days of the year for Christians? Answer: None are enough.

And how many Masses did you, a converted Catholic who’d shamelessl­y said you were apologizin­g to David Hogg (inset) “in the spirit of Holy Week,” offer for the families who are mourning their beloved children?

How many acts of contrition have you personally offered up for the heinous sin of contempt you committed when you mocked a surviving, traumatize­d child? The answer to that is that too many are never enough.

Here’s something to ponder as you travel off to your advertised vacation with your kids: What kind of soulless fury resides inside your

twisted heart that

What kind of trouble is this country in when we worry that the President’s biggest “stabilizin­g” White House influence, Hope Hicks, quits him?

Is the stabilizer bar in the Oval Office is set so low it’s under the floorboard­s?

Hicks (above with President Trump) is a 29-year-old former model whose most recent boyfriends included alleged-sexual-assaulting former campaign manager Corey Lewandowsk­i, followed by alleged spousal-abusing former White House aide, Rob Porter. Stable? Really? But if you’re worried about Hicks’ future, relax. If ever anyone was created to take Laura Ingraham’s spot if (when) she gets the boot, it’s Hicks. She’s smart, she’s gorgeous, she’s a Trump loyalist — and she admits that she lied for her boss. would allow you to stoop so low as to attack a child like David Hogg and then bring up Holy Week?

The truth is that you practice Jesus’ teachings of love and compassion like the NRA practices gun control.

Only unbridled hubris would make you think that a child can’t turn it back and bring you down — and that he could do so with a heart filled with love and not hatred. He’s already started — along with his 600,000 followers.

And most importantl­y for all the rest of us who work in this profession called journalism, what kind of journalist are you to use a national forum to attempt to humiliate a kid who is trying to work through something this horrific? Oh, right. You are the type of journalist, who, when you were in college and editor the unofficial newspaper, The Dartmouth Review, your staff reporter went undercover to a campus gay support group meeting-and you then published excerpts from that private meeting. OK, so we know now what kind of journalist does that kind of thing, but what kind of person does that kind of thing-especially when her own sibling is gay? Clearly you are the kind of journalist who inevitably ends up at Fox News — but this is a new day, sister. The kid you mocked has your advertiser­s fleeing in a wild stampede. You’ve lost advertiser­s, now you should lose your job. Fox News must do the right thing and toss you to the curb with the trash like they tossed the sexual abusers. In the spirit of Holy Week, I mean.

 ??  ?? In more bad Good Friday news, in what has to be the most disgusting­ly bone-headed promotion since Miracle Mattress’ Twin Towers sale and TV commercial, eBay sent out promo emails for their big, “Black Friday is Back in Bloom” sale. On Good Friday....
In more bad Good Friday news, in what has to be the most disgusting­ly bone-headed promotion since Miracle Mattress’ Twin Towers sale and TV commercial, eBay sent out promo emails for their big, “Black Friday is Back in Bloom” sale. On Good Friday....
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