New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


You’re not as bold as you think, or rather, not yet. Yet you can acquire genuine courage now. “The way things are” must make no difference to you. What matters is the way that they need to be, in your vision of the world. You can change the world with ideas backed up with action; smashing the system is highly unlikely, but the best change is incrementa­l. You share a birthday with Dusty Springfiel­d, Ian MacKaye and Chance the Rapper. MARCH 21-APRIL 19 You will not need to do much, to get incredible results. Therefore, slow down, be thoughtful and be gentle. Then, be spontaneou­s. The next few days will have a predictabi­lity factor of at least zero, so make sure you walk or drive carefully, then have the time of your life. APRIL 20-MAY 20 So how was your weekend? What did you learn? What did you discover about yourself? Your solar chart describes a series of breakthrou­ghs and moments of personal liberation. Keep that momentum going. Keep being free, in your body as well as your mind — and proceed into the future. MAY 21-JUNE 20 You have an important role to play in your community, and you need your privacy. There is such a thing. It’s a sanctuary in your mind, contained in your body. Yes, when you go there, you will discover a deeper connection — though you will also be out of the fray of public life. JUNE 21-JULY 22 Mercury is direct and a lunar cycle has begun, both in the career angle of your chart. However, the big advent this week is that Chiron, the master healer, arrives in this same house of profession­al reputation. Some factors say go fast; Chiron suggests that you proceed slowly. JULY 23-AUG. 22 Think of the possibilit­ies, and consider why you might not embrace them. One reason would be fear: of change, or of the state of the world. It certainly seems like everything could go boom any moment, but that’s no reason to stop doing what you love. In fact, it’s a great reason to keep going. AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 Mercury is now direct, so certain negotiatio­ns over intimacy, sex or money will go a little better than they have been the past few weeks. Still, it would be wise to proceed one small step at a time, until you have an understand­ing of where you and someone close to you are coming from. SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 Yesterday’s bold astrology in your opposite sign Aries may seem to have turned over a new leaf in your personal relationsh­ips. That much is true, though when Chiron enters Aries tomorrow, it’s more like a whole new volume of history begins. Don’t be so fast to fill the book. OCT. 23-NOV. 21 You always find a way to get the job done, and today you’ll find an especially brilliant one. Just make sure that you analyze your idea for the law of unintended consequenc­es. Don’t solve one problem only to create five more; rather, solve three at once and call it good. NOV. 22-DEC. 21 Today take one idea and invest it in physical reality. Write it, draw it, sculpt it, play it or build it. If there’s a place involved, go there physically and take a look, and take some pictures. You’re in a rare creative burst, with enhanced manifestin­g power. Build your dreams, for real. DEC. 22-JAN. 19 Did you get much of a weekend over the weekend? If not, declare one today, even if a few hours. You need to get yourself into some creature comforts: an actual home-cooked meal, clean sheets and a hot bath will be a fine place to start. Give someone your phone for safekeepin­g. JAN. 20-FEB. 18 Your mind will be on fire today, though the ideas are moving so fast you will barely be able to keep up with them. Here’s an idea: Keep sending yourself emails with each of your thoughts, like jottings in a notebook but easily retrieved. Use the same subject header for all of them. FEB. 19-MARCH 20 Take step one in initiating a financial plan today, and prepare the next step. Proceed like that, in leapfrog fashion, where you move one project and prep the next, and keep doing that day by day until you’ve got a bunch of plates spinning with some momentum. Next will come progress.

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