New York Daily News



the door. So now you have five mouths worried about their future.

After seeing how Chernoff and Olivero screwed CMB, why would any other Talkie trust them. Thanks, Mike. It’s not bad enough you lied about your future, now you are going to cost multiple people their jobs. You will be great for morale at the station. More reason for those who already can’t stand Francesa to despise him even more. For Francesa, this is business as usual. He planted the seeds for his return on MLB Network when he callously laughed, with Chris (Mad Dog) Russo, while speculatin­g who would be the next in line to be tossed out of WFAN.

After that session, both Russo and Francesa, according to two FAN sources, received text messages from Carlin. The message for both was the same. Carlin told each Gasbag to: “Suck my d--k.”

Was Carlin’s missive the insipirati­on for Francesa creating a conspiracy theory designed to make him look like the victim? He says a smear “campaign” was launched to prevent him from returning to WFAN. That, Francesa claims, was his motivation for his decision to pursue a WFAN return.

“This is for those who started this campaign in recent days,” Francesa told Newsday. “I didn’t decide to go back to WFAN until I was told I better not go back. For those behind it, that was the moment I decided to return.” Was Francesa afraid Carlin would force him to carry out his text message?

Wonder who really started this alleged “campaign?” John Minko? Jerry Recko? The Man in The Moon?

No, history tells us this is just This is hogwash.

With the exception of trying to create a Francesa App, he had no gigs lined up. He overestima­ted his value in the marketplac­e. Beyond that, he missed being able to bloviate on the radio more than he ever thought he would. So, with no concern for others, he plotted his return and accepted a huge paycut to reclaim his old gig.

There will be plenty of spin coming out in the next few days. The saddest of all will be about CMB. When they were signed for the afternoon gig, Chernoff, Olivero and other FAN suits highlighte­d what a diverse crew they hired, which included a woman and an African American.

“I think it’s important to reflect the listeners we have out there,” Chernoff said at the time. “… To have more of a reflection of what’s out there — male, female, person of color.”

Chernoff proves he was just paying lip service to diversity. Now, he is making that “male,” “female” and “person of color” walk the plank into mid-day and eventually out the door. Chernoff, or any other Entercom suit who patted themselves on the back for their awareness of diversity now qualify as fakes, phoneys and frauds. erhaps Francesa can enlighten us all on the diversity issue during his opening monologue.

Then again, he probably will be too busy selling tickets to his Welcome Home Dinner.



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