New York Daily News

StateDems: Legalize pot


STATE DEMOCRATS are high on the idea of legalizing marijuana.

The party is expected to pass a resolution supporting legalizati­on at next week’s state Democratic convention, according to an internal party document obtained by the Daily News.

The move comes at a time when Cynthia Nixon, who is challengin­g Gov. Cuomo from the left in the Democratic primary, has called for the full legalizati­on of marijuana, saying enforcemen­t of the current law has unfairly targeted communitie­s of color.

Cuomo in the past has opposed the idea, calling pot a “gateway drug.”

But in January, he called for a state Health Department study into the issue. On Monday, Cuomo told reporters that the report could be out in a matter of days.

He said the issue has changed given that states bordering New York have either legalized it, like Massachuse­tts, or are considerin­g it, like New Jersey.

“You’ll then have two border states where it would be legal,” he said. “To say, well, it won’t be in New York, I think is to avoid reality at that point.”

Eight states and the District of Columbia have legalized pot. Nearly two dozen others, including New York, allow for medical marijuana.

State Conservati­ve Party Chairman Michael Long said he’s not surprised New York Democrats are lining up behind the idea of legalizing the recreation­al use of pot. “The way they govern, most of them are probably big users already,” Long said.

Long believes it’s bad for the state and society as a whole.

“I’m not surprised Cynthia Nixon paved the way for this and they’re all following suit,” Long said. “All they think about are the hordes of money they think are going to come in and will give the progressiv­es more money to spend on big government.”

Cuomo said the issue is no longer a yes-or-no question. “The devil is in the details,” he said. “If yes, under what circumstan­ces? ”

Among the questions that would need to be answered if legalizati­on is to happen is for what ages would it be legalized, how would it be regulated, and what amounts would be allowed.

When the Legislatur­e was moving to legalize medical marijuana, Cuomo pushed for a more restrictiv­e measure than the sponsors wanted, which limited the amounted of illnesses covered and prohibited the drug from being smoked.

 ??  ?? Marijuana should be legal in New York, the state Democratic convention is expected to declare next week.
Marijuana should be legal in New York, the state Democratic convention is expected to declare next week.

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