New York Daily News

ODs soar to 87 as K2 case puzzles cops

- Rocco Parascando­la

Raniere i watched thd and d commentt ed, according to the filing.

Mack is out on $5 million bond and is under house arrest in Los Alamitos, Calif.

Raniere remains locked up in Brooklyn federal jail. Their trial is scheduled for October.

Raniere’s lawyers say he’ll beat the criminal charges because his relationsh­ips were all consensual. THE K2 OVERDOSE tally keeps growing in Brooklyn, where 87 people have now fallen ill using the powerful drug, police said Wednesday.

The particular­ly toxic batch of synthetic marijuana has felled people across several neighborho­ods in the past week.

None of the overdoses have been fatal.

Police, meanwhile, are still trying to figure out where the drugs came from and who brought them to Brooklyn.

The epicenter appears to be Broadway and Myrtle Ave. in Bushwick, though many of the overdoses have occurred at homeless shelters in East New York and Brownsvill­e.

So far, 15 people have been arrested, most for selling K2, police said.

The drug, like others, is cleverly packaged to appeal to different users. An image of Scooby-Doo adorns some packets. The words “Barely Legal,” with a cartoon drawing of a woman’s upper body, are printed on others.

When the NYPD addressed the issue Tuesday, the overdose tally was 56.

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