New York Daily News

Seems NBA getting a


The NFL has been taking a well-deserved beating this week for prohibitin­g players from kneeling during the national anthem. Mea nwhile, the NBA, which has had an almost identical policy for years, has gotten a free pass.

People seem to forget that. Outspoken Warriors coach Steve Kerr certainly did on Thursday when he threw rocks from inside a glass house and ripped the NFL’s anthem policy as “idiotic.” If he was a football player, they might wonder if Kerr was practicing without a helmet.

“They’re basically trying to use the anthem as fake patriotism, nationalis­m, scaring people,” Kerr said. “It’s idiotic, but that’s how the NFL has handled their business. I’m proud to be in a league that understand­s patriotism in America is about free speech, peacefully protesting.

“I think our leadership in the NBA understand­s that the NFL players were kneeling to protest police brutality, to protest racial inequality. They weren’t disrespect­ing the flag or the military. Our president decided to make it about that and the NFL followed suit and pandered to their fan base.

“That created this hysterical ... It’s kind of what’s wrong with our country right now. People in high places are trying to divide us, divide loyalties and make this about the flag, as if the flag is something other than what it really is,” Kerr said. “It’s a representa­tion of what we’re about — diversity, peaceful protest, right to free speech. It’s really ironic,

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