New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


This will be the year when you can work out any past entangleme­nts that have been dragging you down. Take the opportunit­y. Do the work, have the conversati­ons, and open the way to a future that is different from the past. You were born to be a free person, which means spirituall­y and creatively liberated. Focus your energy and create this for yourself. You share a birthday with Julia Ward Howe, Vincent Price, and Andre 3000. MARCH 21-APRIL 19 If you’re going to get what you want, you must find a new message, and a new way to deliver your message. If you can do this, you will get your point across, and you will be compelling. Don’t think of convincing a group; think of communicat­ing to one person at a time. APRIL 20-MAY 20 Are you changing, or are you catching up with yourself? I would vote for the latter: you’ve been way ahead of where you think you were and are discoverin­g what you’ve already figured out at least two or three times before. You have more faith in yourself than you may think. MAY 21-JUNE 20 It will soon be obvious what beliefs no longer serve you. But don’t take this for granted; the structures of your mind are stronger than you think, even for one born under the most mutable of the signs. When you recognize an idea that does not work, particular­ly one about yourself, let it go fast. JUNE 21-JULY 22 You have managed to maintain a positive outlook despite some recent tests or struggles. Maintain that position; though also keep your guard up, in the form of paying attention to what’s in front of you, what’s behind you, and what is to the sides. Your awareness is your protection. JULY 23-AUG. 22 You’re in the perfect position to sidestep conflict, and even to turn it into opportunit­y. The key is recognizin­g what is old and outdated, and what is new and relevant. Work with both at the same time. We in the U.S. love to throw away the past, which usually means failing to learn from it. AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 It may take a visionary to see that what we call sex and what we call spirituali­ty need to be the same thing. And if we need a visionary, we have one in you, as you understand this intuitivel­y -- and you have plenty of illustrati­ons coming in these days to establish the obvious. SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 Twin goddesses are making their way over the top of your solar chart, where we get informatio­n about your leadership style. One is the goddess of love, and the other of warfare and strategy. You have both options open; and you have many methods available, so choose consciousl­y. OCT. 23-NOV. 21 Today’s Moon-Jupiter conjunctio­n in your sign may have you feeling larger than life; though, in all other matters, particular­ly emotional, it’s essential that you maintain a sense of proportion, and not let your emotions carry you away. Pay close attention to your mood, and do what you can to keep it positive. NOV. 22-DEC. 21 You may feel like you’re under some pressure today, though if you are, it’s coming from inside you and not from outside. Therefore, find a way to vent your energy and you will feel better. A night out dancing would do you good; your athletic quests need to have an artistic flair. DEC. 22-JAN. 19 Your life continues to dance between what is predictabl­e, and what is an experiment; what seems rational and what is creative; what is anticipate­d and controlled, and what sets you free. Think of everything as a choice to one direction or the other. JAN. 20-FEB. 18 You may have big plans; though you need to get them onto paper, so you can review them, and make sure they make sense. By tomorrow you could have a whole new set of ambitions, which is calling out for structure, careful timing and the ever-important reality check. FEB. 19-MARCH 20 Recognize that you stand on solid ground, and that you actually know how to take care of yourself. Once you’ve reminded yourself of that, choose something you want to do above and beyond everything else, and have some fun doing it. In short, give yourself permission to have fun.

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