New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


What you call spiritual or religious must reflect the core of who you are as a person, and what you aspire to is what you must walk with every step. the planets are not hesitating on this matter, and you need to hold steady as well. It’s essential that your inner and outer realities reflect one another, and that you do that rarified thing known as walking your talk. you share a birthday with Ian Fleming, t-Bone Walker and Sondra Locke. MARCH 21-APRIL 19 Pay attention to how you feel in public, versus how you feel when you are in your home, or some other private space. Noticing the distinctio­ns and subtle nuances will be deeply informativ­e, and a tool you will need when your ruling planet Mars turns to retrograde motion one month from now. APRIL 20-MAy 20 you can have quite an impact, more than you may think. this partly comes from your newly re-discovered extraverte­d quality. But it’s also coming from someplace deeper, which is a tap into the deepest layers of your faith in yourself; it reminds me of a geothermal well. MAy 21-JUNe 20 Notice whether your beliefs are consistent. While you’re at it, notice when you suppose something, and when you know it. that will shine some light on the fragile notion of accepting anything without the facts to back it up. As for what you believe, consistenc­y is a must. Address conflicts directly. JUNe 21-JULy 22 Whatever you may do, be certain to leave particular options open. you should always know where the side doors are located, and be able to find your way to the street from backstage without going through the lobby. you need your privacy right now as much you need anything else. JULy 23-AUg. 22 you are in a perfect position to experiment with being your true self in public. that means no personas, no masks, no filters between your feelings and your facial expression­s. Be who you are; display how you feel; say what you mean; mean what you say. this will be a thrilling ride. AUg. 23-SePt. 22 Do not fall for any false pressure, which could manifest as a mild sense of panic, uncertaint­y or insecurity. Let the feeling pass. Notice when someone enters your environmen­t and you feel a certain kind of tension or infiltrati­on. If you notice that, discreetly saunter into the distance. SePt. 23-OCt. 22 you don’t need to push hard to get things moving the way you want them to go. Rather, lead people with your kindness, your affection and most of all, your sense of justice. One activity you can assign to someone is standing watch. enlist them into some act of protection or keeping the schedule. OCt. 23-NOV. 21 you may be feeling apprehensi­ve or uncertain about a developing situation. When the Moon leaves your sign tonight at about 6:30 eDt, you will feel events starting to evolve rapidly, and tomorrow’s Full Moon will bring matters to a head. the deadlock you face will resolve itself. NOV. 22-DeC. 21 the Full Moon in your sign is rapidly approachin­g, and you will feel this by the surge of energy that comes your way later this evening. you don’t need to provoke or in any way address conflicts that you may face. Just let the natural cosmic tide carry you where you need to be. DeC. 22-JAN. 19 Continue to give yourself permission to be different, to experiment, and to reveal who you really are. Make a vow to cast off all pretenses and pretexts, and take the risk of letting people see your inner being. you don’t have to impress anyone; you are impressive without doing anything. JAN. 20-FeB. 18 you may feel as if the moment you dare to try something new, or be someone new, you will get pounced on. Don’t fall for it. Right now you can push your luck, and you can even make mistakes. you have protection around you, and your chart is a kind of living experiment. FeB. 19-MARCH 20 you’re about to experience the once-per-year Full Moon over the success and reputation angle of your solar chart. there is an expression out of some ancient eastern text: “Shine like the Sun at noon.” However, in your situation now, that translates to, “Shine like the Moon at midnight.”

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