New York Daily News

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AS THE ACCLAIMED poet Maya Angelou once said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them — the first time.” That wise adage hasn’t made its way to television executives, apparently, who can’t help hiring — and rehiring — some of the industry’s worst known repeat offenders.

ABC, which rebooted the onetime hit comedy “Roseanne” earlier this year as a paean to Trump’s America, just canceled the ratings juggernaut after a wave of racist tweets by the controvers­ial comic went viral.

In the tweets, she suggested Chelsea Clinton was related to the liberal billionair­e activist George Soros — she isn’t — and then called Soros a “nazi.” Worse, she said of former Obama administra­tion adviser Valerie Jarrett: “Muslim brotherhoo­d & planet of the apes had a baby=vj.”

That Barr has gone ahead on Twitter and revealed herself to be an unhinged, mouth-breathing, racist conspiracy­monger isn’t the strange part — it’s that she’s revealed herself again.

ABC falsely believed they hired Roseanne the Character—a blue-collar everywoman who was sharp-tongued but fun-loving and, yes, a Trump supporter.

But what they got was Roseanne the Person, who is, to put it politely, a nutjob.

Upon her firing, ABC released this condemnati­on: “Roseanne’s Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsiste­nt with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show.”

But what’s their excuse for hiring her again? Remember, this is a woman who was an early supporter of birtherism, has compared Muslims to Nazis, took to Twitter regularly to attack citizens both private and public, floated wild conspiracy theories and bullied Trump opponents with racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic insults.

She infamously dressed up as Hitler for a photo shoot and posed with burnt “Jew cookies,” and has promoted anti-Semitic personalit­ies like the Holocaust-denier Gilad Atzmon.

As risks go, she came with a ton of them. How did ABC think this

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