New York Daily News

Accessing a miracle, at long last


Brooklyn: I know I’ve been a constant complainer about the service received from Access-A-Ride, but when one driver called to let me know he was outside, ready to pick us up, I was amazed. You see, I had just completed a physical checkup and was on the way out to the waiting room for our 2:15 p.m. pickup when my phone rang. To my complete amazement, it was the Access-A-Ride driver saying saying he was outside. I checked the time and it was 1:30 — 45 minutes early!

The wonder of it all is that he not only arrived before schedule, but also called! Are things looking up after all this time? Is Access-A-Ride keeping its word to improve service for seniors and the disabled? We were lucky the visit and his call came at the same time.

I hope other users will have the same luck. Score one for Access-ARide! Zelda Multz

Dissing the veterans

Brooklyn: As a Vietnam combat veteran, I take offense from Mike Lupica’s column about the decision by the NFL (“Owners a national disgrace,” May 24). I find his view repugnant coming from someone like Lupica who has never served this country in uniform. I believe I speak for many of my fellow veterans that the action of the NFL players kneeling during the national anthem is a slap in the face of all veterans — especially those of us from the Vietnam War. This is the same lack of respect that was demonstrat­ed by those like Lupica when Vietnam vets returned home. Protest is anyone’s right under the First Amendment, but not during the national anthem, which represents the last full measure of devotion for those of us who did answer the call to put ourselves in harm’s way — many of whom made the ultimate sacrifice. Kenneth S. Katta

Lt. Col., USAF (Ret.)

Wrong place, wrong time

Woodside: Let me first say I love Mike Lupica as a sportscast­er and a columnist. He is, however, dead-wrong, in my opinion, on “the kneelers.” That’s my flag you are disrespect­ing. Your friends need to find another way to protest perceived police brutality. And while I’m on my soapbox, of course the NFL is trying to find a middle ground. The NFL is a business, and apparently a substantia­l number of loyal patriots agree with me and are not buying tickets. Do not disrespect the flag under any circumstan­ces. Amen!

Joan Bergen

Quit or on your time

Yonkers: I’m amazed about all the hoopla and hysterics about the NFL players not being allowed to kneel during the anthem. You are being paid to play, not to protest. If you wish to protest, you have plenty of opportunit­ies to do that, but not on the owners’ and NFL’s time and dime. If you do not like the NFL’s policy, you also have the freedom to quit. Frank Brady

Keep ’em out of focus

Surf City, N.J.: Voicer Bobby Nelson said it perfectly. May I add, keep the TV cameras off the players. When they stop getting the attention they seek, they will stop. Jeanette Nichols

Sorry, Mike

Fair Lawn, N.J.: Mike Lupica should check his facts more often (“King in realm of his own,” column, May 27). Dan Marino has never won a title.

Michael DiCosmo

Drop the song I

Shirley, L.I.: The reasonable thing to do is to not play the national anthem at football games. It will take politics out of the sport. I have no idea why it’s played anyway. It’s a game, not a military exercise. Kathleen Dare

Drop the song II

Bronx: To all who are offended because a knee is taken during the playing of the national anthem, how many of you are required to start your working day standing for the anthem to be played? Maybe the playing of the anthem at sporting events should be discontinu­ed — not all players and attendees are Americans, so what’s the point? Freeman Rose

Pitying poor gangsters?

Astoria: To Voicer Karen Meyer Campbell, your heads-I win-tailsyou-lose liberal logic depicting MS-13 thugs as youth driven to gangs because they’re disrespect­ed for being Latino is amoral blame-the-victim liberalism at its finest, or worst, depending how you look at it. They’re thugs, who make a conscious decision to join other thugs because they’re thugs. Italians don’t join the Mafia because people disrespect Italians. They’re thugs, too, and like all thugs are cowards who want safety in numbers. Yes, many of them are citizens who can’t be deported, but they can be shot or locked up, whichever comes first.

Brad Morris

For Pete’s sake

Beechhurst: I get it that Rep. Pete King was trying to make Jets owner Christophe­r Johnson (who announced he’ll pay for the new NFL fines that any of his players receive for taking a knee) look like a hypocrite on the First Amendment (“King of fools,” May 27). But, however you slice it, his crazy and cringing remarks, obliquely comparing these kneebendin­g antics to giving a Nazi salute or waving a Confederat­e flag, were a lowdown slander of those misguided players. King gets a big red flag for his inflammato­ry comments. James Hyland

Independen­t mind-meld

Port Jefferson Station, L.I.: Thank you, Voicer Manny Martin, for taking the time to respond to my defense of President Obama. All your internatio­nal critiques are correct; as I mentioned, Obama was weak on the internatio­nal front. Unfortunat­ely, as a fellow independen­t, I have to disagree with your debt informatio­n. The Great Recession started before Obama took office, bringing with it lower tax revenues, increased unemployme­nt numbers and George W. Bush’s budget deficits. According to the St. Louis Federal Reserve, much of the debt was a result of Bush’s tax cuts during a wartime situation and his prescripti­on drug program, along with the large number of baby boomers starting to collect Social Security. So as independen­ts, let us continue to fight for what works best for all Americans given the corrupt and bought government we now have. I hope you enjoyed Memorial Day and thanked those who could not be here with us because they gave their all for us all. Bob Cavaliere

Pretty peds

Manhattan: Ladies, and this goes for you gents as well, before you go out in public with your pretty and nice-looking sandals, please, for the love of all that is good and decent, get yourselves a pedicure. I’ve come across dry, cracked and downright nasty looking feet throughout my travels, especially on the subway. You guys are making us all look bad.

Gladys Zenon

Poor excuse for a commander

Schenectad­y, N.Y.: Being a Vietnam vet, the sight of President Trump honoring our dead soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery made me sick, coming from a man (and I use that word loosely) who used five deferments to avoid military service and chase every skirt in New York City. Truly nauseating.

Ron Goodman

Abortion reality

New Hyde Park, L.I.: Voicer Kate Clifford falls into the “hard-to-believe-they-could-be-so-selfish” class of pro-abortionis­ts who are thrilled their mothers killed their JEANNE NOONAN/DAILY NEWS siblings in the womb so they could be born. I hope you have a good life, Kate, knowing that it came at the expense of your dismembere­d brother or sister.

Shelley Birnbaum

Jonesing for The News

Rockaway Park: Re Voicers “leaving” the paper, I quit the Daily News because of its lack of substance, and the tone-deaf postcard recently sent out raising subsctipti­n rates. But as a reader of the rag since it cost 3 cents an issue, I was obliged to restart my subscripti­on: Like eating too many chocolates, it is one of my addictions. Please go all online and save me! I am working on the chocolates. Maureen McNelis

Bad choice of words

Manhattan: I am horrified by the use of the word “prank” in this article (“Swastikas spray painted on hundreds of tombstones at Illinois cemetery,” May 26). At minimum, the painting of the swastikas is a transgress­ion. In fact, it is a crime. It is in no way, shape or form a mere “prank.”

Joan Siegel

Wasted cash

Scarboroug­h, N.Y.: So the MTA says it will cost only $37 billion to fix the NYC transit system. Well, I know where we can get $14 billion for that. Wait — sorry. I forgot that the MTA blew the $14 billion on the budget-busting and totally unnecessar­y connection between the LIRR and Grand Central Terminal.

Thomas F. Comiskey

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