New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


Boldly face what you believe to be dark material: your fears, your misgivings about life, and anything lurking in the shadows of your mind. Bring the darkness to light and you will see, ultimately, that there’s very little to it. What you have, though, is the affirmativ­e power of your imaginatio­n, your creativity and your love of what is true, and what heals. You share a birthday with Countee Cullen, Benny Goodman and Wynonna Judd. MARCH 21-APRIL 19 Try to talk about what’s really in your mind. I know nobody is supposed to do that; we’re all just supposed to pretend nothing is really worth mentioning. You would be doing this for your sake, not for the benefit of anyone else. It’s getting exhausting living with unspoken secrets. APRIL 20-MAY 20 When it comes to a financial matter, don’t worry about how something might be perceived by others; concern yourself only with how you feel. Your notion of their views will be distorted for a little while, and will negatively affect your self-image. Stick to what you know for sure. MAY 21-JUNE 20 If someone tries to bring up a matter from the distant past, such as at work, gently sidestep it. Under current ethics, anyone can be blamed for anything that happened at any time, ever. This makes no sense, which you already know. Stick to what exists in the present. JUNE 21-JULY 22 You are leading the way; and if you build positive momentum, you will be able to go the distance. Don’t be daunted by what seems like some odd or unknown outcome; you have all the informatio­n and experience you need. Your perception of your environmen­t is correct. Just pay attention. JULY 23-AUG. 22 Your private business is nobody’s public business. The world is not Facebook; you are not your profile. You are a sovereign individual bestowed with all the natural rights you were born with. That includes having an inner life, and the privilege of solving your own problems. AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 Be alert if you think someone is not being entirely truthful with you. Stop and ask what’s up the first time their story does not add up. You don’t need to seem suspicious, just politely ask for additional details. Everything just might make sense; but you will need to inquire. SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 Are your spiritual views and your sexuality in harmony? Or do you feel like the universe is judging you for being human? You may decide that one side of this equation or the other needs to be revised. Remember: your body is a natural creation. Judgment of any kind is synthetic. OCT. 23-NOV. 21 Truly embracing and encounteri­ng your sexuality requires you to go to unfamiliar and uncomforta­ble places. You have an opportunit­y to challenge yourself to do just that, and become a better person for it. What starts as daunting and intimidati­ng is likely to become a deep source of sharing. NOV. 22-DEC. 21 Yesterday’s Full Moon made clear that you face certain challenges in a relationsh­ip that you are well equipped to handle. Yet everyone must be fully committed to truth, and also be willing to take responsibi­lity for all of the unfinished business of their personal past. DEC. 22-JAN. 19 Remember that if you’ve resolved a conflict, let the resolution stand. Don’t change your mind tomorrow; see how the new arrangemen­t works. You may feel like you’re discoverin­g new informatio­n that you were not aware of. However, in truth, you were fully informed; you know yourself. JAN. 20-FEB. 18 Mars in your sign is encouragin­g you to stand your full height, and to embody the side of Aquarius that just does not care what other people may think about what you believe. You are entitled to your own views, and you’ve reached the time in your life when you must claim that privilege. FEB. 19-MARCH 20 You may be experienci­ng some conflict between what you know to be true, and what you think makes you feel safe. However, perhaps consider that safe is the last thing you want to feel; vulnerable, courageous, compassion­ate and curious will all serve you much better than false security.

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