New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


Today’s Mercury-Sun conjunctio­n on your birth anniversar­y is gleaming with intelligen­ce. However, you must be cautious of false clarity; that is, thinking you know something for sure, when in fact something else is true. It’s essential that you verify whatever others claim, and verify your own opinions and beliefs, rigorously, and get to the truth. You share a birthday with Federico Garcia Lorca, Alifa Rifaat and Bill Moyers. MARCH 21-APRIL 19 You must apply a high standard to whatever you write. Most people don’t have a personal fact-checking department, though you might want to organize one: some trustworth­y people who will be brave enough to suggest edits or revisions to your opinion, before you post. Get it right the first time. APRIL 20-MAY 20 Take extra care with financial decisions, today and for the rest of the week. Refuse to take advice; tell people it can wait. You will be able to pass through the fog and mist without taking any losses, if you are careful and spend money only on what you really need. Don’t waste a penny. MAY 21-JUNE 20 You will make a discovery today, then you may either forget what you learned, or doubt yourself until you no longer trust it. Therefore, take the process in steps. Preserve any ideas or breakthrou­ghs you may have today and tomorrow, and then set them aside for a week or so. JUNE 21-JULY 22 These will be challengin­g and confusing days for many around you, though your intuition is well tuned at the moment. However, even as you make discoverie­s, you would be wise to pause before acting on them. There is more informatio­n to come, and it will be juicy. JULY 23-AUG. 22 You may get to bring up a subject nobody else wants to talk about. Yet you have the courage, and you have the integrity. Start by being real, then gently calling on others to do the same. Notice how they respond. Notice who is willing to be transparen­t, and make note of it. AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 There’s a source of disinforma­tion in your environmen­t. You will be able to identify it easily because you feel confused and unsettled, like you’re not getting the whole story. Notice who is willing to give you direct answers to direct questions, and then check back later in the week to verify. SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 You are in the process of making a serious decision, though it can wait until later this week. Do not rush the process, no matter now much pressure you may feel under today. There are psychic and emotional influences that are clouding your judgment; take your time, and think out loud. OCT. 23-NOV. 21 The truth may seem to change every 10 to 15 minutes, though don’t be fooled. What’s real is plainly obvious; or you will get to it in layers, which will take a few more days to come out. Meanwhile, don’t let your imaginatio­n run away with you; what you discover will not be surprising. NOV. 22-DEC. 21 Someone may be presenting you with the honest truth, and yet you may still doubt it. There’s a difference between healthy and toxic doubt, however. If you have questions, ask them. If you need time to think about something, take that time and sit with whatever you are wondering. DEC. 22-JAN. 19 You seem to have loads of work on your plate, though make sure your priorities are in order. Between two seemingly important projects, it would appear that one matters considerab­ly more than the other. Check with colleagues; check the schedule. First out should be first up. JAN. 20-FEB. 18 Creativity is rarely realistic, by worldly standards, and that is the whole point. Let yourself be distracted today by something you find interestin­g or that entertains you, if only for the sake of an experiment. Don’t bother yourself with expectatio­ns of results. Just have fun. FEB. 19-MARCH 20 The Moon is passing through your sign today and Wednesday. You will need to sort out carefully what feelings, and what informatio­n, flow in your direction. Keep your boundaries on; don’t let anyone get under your skin. Wear your sunglasses, and flow like water.

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