New York Daily News

Fears nuke deal could blow up

- Christophe­r Brennan

A U.S. delegation has met with North Korean officials amid worries that the landmark summit between President Trump and Kim Jong Un will not lead to the end of the nuclear crisis.

The meeting in the demilitari­zed zone Sunday appears to be the first time that Americans and North Koreans have sat down face-to-face since that summit in Singapore.

U.S. Ambassador to the Philippine­s Sung Kim, who was the former emissary to South Korea and led talks before the meeting, was head of the U.S. side.

The State Department told the Daily News the delegation took the “next steps on the implementa­tion of President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un’s joint declaratio­n.”

That summit included a promise for nebulous U.S. security guarantees in exchange for “denucleari­zation” of the Korean Peninsula that had been the center of internatio­nal attention as the Kim regime built a missile system capable of delivering nuclear weapons to the East Coast of the U.S.

It is unclear exactly what steps were discussed at Sunday’s meeting, though national security adviser John Bolton said the same day that the administra­tion has a plan to dismantle the North Korean weapons of mass destructio­n system within a year.

The White House announced Monday that Secretary of State Pompeo would be traveling to North Korea later this week.

Experts have said that it would be impossible to verify the destructio­n of the infrastruc­ture, as other reports have shown that while a nuclear test site was blown up in front of internatio­nal journalist­s, other facilities and fears of bad faith remain.

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