New York Daily News


Dump DeVos, cry 14,000 in web petition


An online petition advocating for LeBron James to replace Betsy DeVos as the U.S. secretary of education is garnering a wave of public support.

More than 14,000 people have signed the plea, which was published to the Care2 Petitions website less than two weeks after the new Los Angeles Laker opened a public school in his hometown of Akron, Ohio, for at-risk thirdand fourth-graders.

“LeBron James is an inspiratio­n to kids all over the country. He's shown he cares about America's youth and understand­s the power of public education in helping children meet their true potential,” reads the petition, which was posted by a user under the name Rebecca G.

“Betsy DeVos was hired without ever setting foot in a public school — and she's taken every opportunit­y to work against the interests of the children, teachers, and families she has pledged to serve,” the petition continues. “We certainly deserve better!”

James, 33, announced last month that 240 students will enroll at his I Promise School this year, and he aspires to have 1,000 kids there by 2020. The school plans to serve first-through-eighth grade students by 2022, with firstand second-graders being added next year.

The four-time NBA MVP also vowed to pay the students' full tuition to the local University of Akron following high school.

DeVos has frequently been at the center of controvers­y during her time in office, with instances including her supporting charter schools over public ones, rescinding the Obama administra­tion's policies on how colleges should handle sexual violence, and pulling back protection­s for transgende­r students that were introduced before she became education secretary.

The petition has already raised its goal for number of signatures multiple times as supporters continue to flock to it. The designated recipient of the petition is listed as President Trump.

James said during a recent interview with CNN's Don Lemon that Trump has “kind of used sport to divide us.” Trump responded days later with an insulting tweet about the three-time NBA champion.

“Lebron James was just interviewe­d by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon,” Trump wrote on Aug. 3. “He made Lebron look smart, which isn't easy to do. I like Mike!”

First Lady Melania Trump, however, shared support for James a day later, with a spokeswoma­n saying she'd be open to vising James' new school.

“It looks like LeBron James is working to do good things on behalf of our next generation and just as she always has, the First Lady encourages everyone to have an open dialogue about issues facing children today,” said spokesman Stephanie Grisham.

 ?? AP ?? LeBron James (right) who has financed a school for at-risk kids in Akron, Ohio, (below) would better secretary of education than Betsy DeVos (left), says petition online.
AP LeBron James (right) who has financed a school for at-risk kids in Akron, Ohio, (below) would better secretary of education than Betsy DeVos (left), says petition online.
 ?? AP ??

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