New York Daily News

Giffords gives anti-gun Andy the nod


Former Arizona congresswo­man Gabby Giffords and the gun control advocacy group she helms are endorsing Gov. Cuomo in his reelection bid, the Daily News has learned.

Giffords cited Cuomo’s work on gun control legislatio­n like the SAFE Act and his frequent skirmishes with the National Rifle Associatio­n in backing him.

“Andrew Cuomo has never backed down from doing everything he can to protect New Yorkers from gun violence,” said Giffords, a shooting survivor. “He took on the gun lobby, refused to stay silent on New York’s need to address the gun violence crisis, and supported the passage of life-saving legislatio­n in the state legislatur­e.”

She called the governor a “gun safety champion with the courage to lead.”

Giffords was shot while hosting a constituen­t event in a shopping center in Tucson in 2011. Six people were killed, but Giffords, who was shot the head, recovered from her injuries and went on to become a national voice for gun control alongside her husband, retired NASA astronaut Mark Kelly. The two co-founded the gun control group.

Cuomo said that in passing the SAFE Act, the state had taken action Washington had been unable to, and cited future legislatio­n he hopes to pass — including his “red flag ” proposal to remove guns from the homes of people considered dangerous to themselves or someone else.

“Enough is enough. This isn’t about politics, it’s about the people of this state,” Cuomo said. “While our federal leaders sit on their hands, New York State is continuing to lead — fighting to pass the Red Flag Bill, increase waiting periods, and raise the age to buy a gun.

“Gabby and Mark are leading the charge to combat gun violence and they are an inspiratio­n to us all as we work to defeat the NRA’s insidious agenda. I’m thankful for their support."

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