New York Daily News

Trump-loving gals scoff at ‘fake’ sex accusation­s


Whenever Mary Jo Smith hears talk about the notorious “Access Hollywood” tape , she cuts the discussion off immediatel­y.

“You mean the locker room talk?” said Smith on Friday.

“Oh yeah, that’s really, really bad, isn’t it? Give me a break.”

Just as quickly, her friend, Karen Salvi, dismisses claims that Trump recently mocked Christine Blasey Ford over the sexual assault allegation­s she made against Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s most recent pick for the Supreme Court, who appears to be heading toward confirmati­on.

“I’m a retired Chicago police officer, and I worked in sex: child sex, all kinds of sex,” she said. “Victims remember details … isn’t it funny that she brought this up right now after the hearing was over? She never brought it up ... for 36 years. That doesn’t make sense, and if it doesn’t make sense it’s not true.”

Salvi, 69, and Smith, 60, came to Washington from Florida to join other conservati­ve women at the Women for America First Summit,” which began Thursday and will continue through Sunday at Trump Internatio­nal Hotel in downtown Washington.

Sponsored by the PAC Women Vote Trump, formally known as “Women Vote Smart,” the event featured as speakers several women associated with or known as key supporters of the President, including White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders; Trump daughter-inlaw Lara Trump; Katrina Pierson, the national spokeswoma­n for 2016 Trump campaign, and Fox TV personalit­y and author Jeanine Pirro.

Smith said attendees focused on the mid-term, among other events. “There’s conversati­on about what actions we can be taking through social media, door-to-door campaigns, to promote those that believe in America first,” she said. The Daily News was not allowed access to the event, and a reporter and photograph­er were ordered off the hotel grounds.

The idea of women supporting Trump irked some passersby, who cited his alleged extramarit­al affairs, including one with porn star Stormy Daniels.

Leah Reynolds, 55, was particular­ly angered over his comments about Ford, made Tuesday at a Mississipp­i rally.

“Forget politics, forget Democrats, forget Republican, any individual with any type of empathy shouldn’t be OK with Donald Trump as a person,” she said.

But women supporting Trump were having none of it.

“I’ll give you the two words that best describe it,” said Smith. “And that’s fake news. Every bit of it.”

“All of this is manufactur­ed by the left wing of the Democratic Party for no other reason than to disrupt his presidency,” said Smith.

 ??  ?? Mary Jo Smith (left) and Karen Salvi, attending Women For America First Summit in Washington, dismissed sex abuse allegation­s against President Trump and his Supreme Court pick, Brett Kavanaugh.
Mary Jo Smith (left) and Karen Salvi, attending Women For America First Summit in Washington, dismissed sex abuse allegation­s against President Trump and his Supreme Court pick, Brett Kavanaugh.

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