New York Daily News

900 new voters at city jails


A voter registrati­on push at city jails has added close to 900 people on the rolls for the upcoming election.

All told, 624 incarcerat­ed people and 273 jail visitors can now vote in Tuesday’s election, according to city officials.

The initiative was launched in August at Rikers Island by the Legal Aid Society, and the city’s Campaign Finance Board.

“Voting gives people a chance to have their voices heard and weigh in on important issues that affect all of our lives,” Mayor de Blasio said in a statement.

New York law allows people on probation to vote; individual­s in jail or on parole for felony charges are barred from voting.

As part of the campaign, the city establishe­d a direct pick-up and delivery system of voter registrati­on forms and absentee ballots to speed up the mail-in process.

Previously, the forms were processed like all other mail leaving jail with security checks.

The de Blasio administra­tion also displayed more than 1,200 posters at various city jails to encourage people to register and vote.

Additional­ly, jail libraries were stocked with “non-partisan informatio­n about candidates published by CFB’s NYC Votes,” according to the city.

“We’re glad to have the backing of City Hall,” said Anthony Posada, an attorney at the society.

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