New York Daily News

Dem David beats GOP Goliath in Staten Is.


In a bruising battle for Staten Island's congressio­nal seat, the winner came out smelling like a Rose.

Democratic upstart Max Rose, the fiery 5-foot-2 Army veteran spark plug, stormed the only conservati­ve bastion in the city President Trump calls home.

Rose defeated Republican incumbent Dan Donovan, who has generally supported Trump's political agenda while seeking to distance himself from the President on personal issues.

Donovan conceded early, even before any of the networks covering the contest called the race.

“We believed in an America we all know is possible,” Rose said in a spirited victory speech. “We believed, and then we won.”

The colorful Rose thanked his staff for raising “a s--tload” of money, and then told the lobbyists and special interests to “keep your damn money.”

“We launched this campaign to do things differentl­y,” Rose said. “We were trying to earn people's trust. We wanted to show the country that you don't need special interests, You don't need lobbyists. You just need the people.”

Donovan, was Staten Island's district attorney when a grand jury there refused to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo in the 2014 chokehold death of Eric Garner.

Rose will take over in New York's 11th District, which includes the southernmo­st slice of Brooklyn and all of Staten Island. It was the only congressio­nal seat in any part of New York City held by a Republican.

The district went for went for John McCain in 2008, Barack Obama in 2012 and Trump in 2016. And in 2015, the borough elected Mike McMahon as district attorney in Staten Island, the first Democrat to win there in 50 years.

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