New York Daily News


Rapid tech shift a new challenge for pros


DETROIT — For generation­s, the career path for smart kids around Detroit was to get an engineerin­g or business degree and get hired by an automaker or parts supplier. If you worked hard and didn’t screw up, you had a job for life with enough money to raise a family, take vacations and buy a weekend cottage in northern Michigan.

Now that once-reliable route to prosperity appears to be vanishing, as evidenced by General Motors’ announceme­nt this week that it plans to shed 8,000 white-collar jobs on top of 6,000 bluecollar ones.

It was a humbling warning that in this era of rapid and disruptive technologi­cal change, those with a college education are not necessaril­y insulated from the kind of layoffs factory workers know all too well.

The cutbacks reflect a transforma­tion underway in both the auto industry and the broader U.S. economy, with nearly every type of business becoming oriented toward computers, software and automation.

“This is a big mega-trend pervading the whole economy,” said Mark Muro, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institutio­n who has researched changes being caused by the digital age.

Cities that suffered manufactur­ing job losses decades ago are now grappling with the problem of fewer opportunit­ies for white-collar employees such as managers, lawyers, bankers and accountant­s. Since 2008, The Associated Press found, roughly a third of major U.S. metro areas have lost a greater percentage of white-collar jobs than blue-collar jobs. It’s a phenomenon seen in such places as Wichita, Kan., with its downsized aircraft industry, and towns in Wisconsin that have lost auto, industrial machinery or furniture-making jobs.

In GM’s case, the jobs that will be shed through buyouts and layoffs are held largely by people who are experts in the internal combustion engine — mechanical engineers and others who spent their careers working on fuel injectors, transmissi­ons, exhaust systems and other components that won’t be needed for the electric cars that eventually will drive themselves. GM, the nation’s largest automaker, says those vehicles are its future.

“We’re talking about highskille­d people who have made a substantia­l investment in their education,” said Marina Whitman, a retired professor of business and public policy at the University of Michigan and a former GM chief economist. “The transition­s can be extremely painful for a subset of people.”

GM is still hiring whitecolla­r employees, but the new jobs are for those who can write software code, design laser sensors or develop batteries and other devices for future vehicles.

Those who are being thrown out of work might have to learn new skills if they hope to find new jobs, underscori­ng what Whitman said is another truism about the new economy: “You’ve got to regard education as a lifetime process. You probably are going to have multiple jobs in your lifetime. You’ve got to stay flexible.”

Whitman said mechanical engineers are smart people who could transfer their skills to software or batteries, but they’ll need training, and that takes time and money.

“In the past with these kinds of changes, eventually new jobs have been created,” she said. “Will it happen this time, or is the change taking place too fast for everybody to be absorbed? I don’t know.”

 ?? AP ?? GM plans to shed 8,000 white-collar jobs, erasing the notion that if you have an education, you’re immune from layoffs.
AP GM plans to shed 8,000 white-collar jobs, erasing the notion that if you have an education, you’re immune from layoffs.

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