New York Daily News

Watch out, AG

N.Y.’s Nadler preps subpoena for Don’s fill-in


Jerrold Nadler is ready to play hardball with Matt Whitaker.

The newly minted House Judiciary Committee chairman notified the acting attorney general Tuesday he’s prepping a subpoena to make sure he gives “clean” answers later this week about his contacts with the White House and oversight of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigat­ion.

Nadler (D-Manhattan, Brooklyn) said he had paid a courtesy to his GOP counterpar­t, Georgia Rep. Doug Collins, by asking for his input regarding the subpoena as a safeguard against Whitaker dodging “uncomforta­ble questions” when he testifies before the Judiciary Committee on Friday.

“That era is over,” Nadler said, blasting congressio­nal Republican­s for not providing proper oversight during the first two years of Donald Trump’s presidency.

“To be clear, I hope never to use this subpoena,” Nadler continued. “Weeks ago, we gave Mr. Whitaker a list of questions we hope to ask him about his communicat­ions with the White House and his refusal to recuse himself from oversight of the special counsel’s investigat­ion. If he appears on time and ready to answer those questions, the subpoena will be entirely unnecessar­y.”

Whitaker could feasibly refuse to answer questions during the high-stakes testimony by claiming executive privilege, and Nadler said his subpoena threat comes out of an “abundance of caution.”

“To ensure that Mr. Whitaker both appears in the hearing room on Friday morning and answers our questions cleanly,” Nadler added.

A spokeswoma­n for the Justice Department did not immediatel­y return a request for comment.

Collins, the committee’s ranking member, took issue with Nadler’s missive.

“When we start subpoenain­g witnesses who come in voluntaril­y, we’re setting a dangerous precedent,” the Republican tweeted.

Democrats have been skeptical of Whitaker, who was handpicked by President Trump to take over as acting AG after the unceremoni­ous ouster of Jeff Sessions.

Whitaker has been openly critical of Mueller’s investigat­ion into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia. Nonetheles­s, he oversees the special counsel’s work, and Dems have raised concerns he may be trying to undermine the inquiry from behind the scenes.

Dems are also interested in whether Whitaker gave Trump any assurances before his appointmen­t.

William Barr, Trump’s permanent pick to replace Sessions, is expected to be confirmed by the Senate this month.

 ??  ?? Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker may have even more reason to sweat as House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (l.) threatens subpoena if he doesn’t give “clean” testimony.
Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker may have even more reason to sweat as House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (l.) threatens subpoena if he doesn’t give “clean” testimony.

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