New York Daily News

‘We have a great team RIGHT NOW!’

Boone says Yanks are set, with or without Manny or Harper


As any barroom pool shark will tell you, so long as the 8-ball remains on the table, the game is not over.

In the cases of the free agencies of Bryce Harper and Manny Machado, the 8-ball is still on the table as far as the Yankees are concerned. But listening to manager Aaron Boone talk Tuesday night, it sure sounded like it was rolling toward a corner pocket and ready to drop.

“I feel like in a lot of ways, we’re a complete team right now,’’ Boone said before the 39th annual Thurman Munson Awards Dinner, at which he was one of the honorees. “You look at the moves we’ve made this winter, it’s hard to deny that we haven’t significan­tly improved our club. We feel like we have a team capable of hopefully going out and competing for a championsh­ip.’’

The natural follow-up, of course, was whether Boone’s answer was an acknowledg­ment that the Yankees had, in fact, given up the pursuit of Machado and/or Harper, by far the two most attractive free agents of the current crop and because of their ages, perhaps among the most attractive free agents of our generation.

“That’s more a question for (GM) Brian (Cashman),’’ Boone said. “You never say never with anything. But I would also say we feel we have a great team right now.’’ Ker-plunk. Of course, this year’s freeagent market is moving even slower than last year’s, as teams at or near the $206 million luxury tax threshold shy away from going over, and those that have gone over – the Yankees payroll stands at around $213 million – look to avoid the additional 12% surcharge slapped onto the standard 20% penalty for teams that exceed the threshold by more than $20 million.

“Obviously things happen that might force Brian and his staff to pivot on certain things,’’ Boone said. “But I think it’s safe to assume we’re going to spring training with the team we have.’’

One of those things seemed to be the injury to Didi Gregorius, who tore the UCL in his throwing elbow during the ALDS against the Red Sox, forcing him to undergo Tommy John surgery that is likely to cost him at least half of the 2019 season.

Gregorius, another of the Munson Dinner honorees, said his recovery was “moving in the right direction,’’ and that he expected to begin a throwing program next week in Tampa. He also joked that he hoped to be back by April. But when asked if he seriously had a proposed return date, Gregorius said, “I have no clue. I want to make sure everything is right before I go back out there.’’

Gregorius’ absence seemed to indicate the Yankees would make a strong play for Machado, and, in fact, the former Orioles superstar paid a day-long visit to Yankee Stadium in December capped by dinner with Cashman and Boone.

But since then, talks have cooled. Sources within the Yankees organizati­on have said Machado wanted a deal in excess of the 13-year, $325 million contract Giancarlo Stanton signed with the Marlins in 2015, a level the Yankees are apparently not willing to approach. As of yet, they have not even made Machado and his agent an offer.

Neither have they been active in the pursuit of Harper, which is less surprising since their roster is overloaded with outfielder­s. At the Super Bowl, Aaron Judge, the Yankees right fielder, told a TMZ interviewe­r he would be willing to move to center field in order to accommodat­e Harper. But Boone laughed off that suggestion. “I think that was just Judgie having some fun at the Super Bowl,’’ he said. “Judgie would do a lot of things for the team, but I don’t think we’re going to have to worry about that.’’

Pressed on whether the manager would veto such a move, Boone said, “I don’t think that scenario is a realistic one for us at this point.’’

Boone preferred to deflect attention to the Yankees’ addition of James Paxton to shore up their starting rotation, and the signing of Adam Ottavino to strengthen the back end of their bullpen following the departure of David Robertson to free agency.

“Obviously he’s a dynamic reliever, a back-end reliever with great stuff,” Boone said of Ottavino. “I think he gives us a little bit of a different look with Dellin (Betances), with (Chad) Green and with (Aroldis Chapman). He’s kind of a righty assassin.’’

Boone also extolled the depth of the Yankees bench with the additions of Troy Tulowitzki, who hasn’t played a big-league game in nearly two years due to injury, and D.J. LeMahieu, a former NL batting champion who was a Gold Glove second baseman for the Colorado Rockies. Until Gregorius comes back, Boone said the plan was to play Tulowitzki most days at shortstop and to slide Gleyber Torres over from second to short, his original position, on the days Tulowitzki needs a rest. On those days, LeMahieu would play second.

“That gives us a 10 or 11 man rotation for nine spots,’’ Boone said. “It keeps everyone playing regularly and also keeps guys fresh, plus giving us a guy or or two on the bench who’s a really good player.’’

He said Gary Sanchez, coming off cleanup surgery on his left (non-throwing) shoulder, had resumed hitting in the cage, and saw no reason for the Yankees to acquire another starting pitcher in case one of his designated five, including CC Sabathia, who underwent an angioplast­y in December, falters.

“You know going in you’re probably going to need more than 12 or 13 pitchers over the course of a year,’’ he said. “But we feel like within our organizati­on we have the depth to be able to cover that. If we can stay healthy with the five guys we have now we have a rotation that stacks up with the game’s best.’’

And somehow, Boone said he believes that the Yankees off-season moves – they also re-signed starter J.A. Happ and reliever Zach Britton as free agents – were enough to cut into the talent gap between the Yankees and the defending World Champion Red Sox, who finished eight lengths in front of them in the AL East.

“I think the Steinbrenn­er family has always given us the opportunit­y to be a great club,” Boone said. “And I feel like we have a chance to be that right now.’’

Even without Harper or Machado. Rack ’em up.

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 ??  ?? Aaron Boone is quite happy with the roster Yanks have put together, even if it doesn’t include Manny Machado or Bryce Harper. GETTY
Aaron Boone is quite happy with the roster Yanks have put together, even if it doesn’t include Manny Machado or Bryce Harper. GETTY

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