New York Daily News


Don makes nice with Kim, but stomps on 4 U.S. media outlets


President Trump’s political problems followed him across the globe on Wednesday, as did his rough relationsh­ip with the media.

Trump aides barred four American journalist­s from portions of the President’s Vietnam summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un after a reporter shouted a question about congressio­nal testimony from Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said the reporters were excluded because of “sensitivit­ies over shouted questions” in the previous press gaggles.

“Due to the sensitive nature of the meetings we have limited the pool for the dinner to a smaller group,” Sanders said in a statement. “We are continuing to negotiate aspects of this historic summit and will always work to make sure the U.S. media has as much access as possible.”

Sanders did not say if the exclusion came at the behest of Trump or Kim.

Missing from the start of a dinner between Trump, Kim, and their top aides. were print reporters from The Associated Press, Reuters, the Los Angeles Times and Bloomberg.

A Wall Street Journal reporter was allowed in after media members protested the move.

Other reporters noted the irony of restrictin­g media access in the presence of a dictator. whose country does not have a free press.

Olivier Knox, president of the White House Correspond­ents’ Associatio­n, said in a statement that the group “strenuousl­y objects to the capricious decision to exclude some journalist­s from a press encounter with President Trump and Chairman Kim.”

“This summit provides an opportunit­y for the American

presidency to display its strength by facing rigorous questionin­g from a free and independen­t news media, not telegraph weakness by retreating arbitrary last-minute restrictio­ns on coverage,” he said.

A day earlier, the U.S. press corps was kicked out of its filing center in Hanoi at the request of the North Korean entourage.

Trump and Kim both said they were optimistic about their talks on Wednesday, which were aimed at curbing Pyongyang’s pursuit of nuclear weapons.

But the U.S. had already dropped its demand for a full accounting of North Korea’s nuclear program ahead of talks, according to reports. The country’s refusal to disclose all of its nuclear materials was the issue over which talks fell apart a decade ago. Yet Trump still sounded upbeat.

“A lot of things are going to be solved, I hope,” Trump said as dinner began. “I think it will lead to a wonderful, really a wonderful situation longterm.”

Kim said his country had long been “misunderst­ood” and viewed with “distrust.”

The two leaders were joined for dinner by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, Kim Yong Chol, a former military spy chief and Kim’s point man in negotiatio­ns, and North Korean Foreign Affairs Minister Ri Yong Ho.

The turmoil for Trump in D.C. has raised worries among some that he will be too eager for a deal with Kim — and give away more than he gets in return.

The two leaders began a second day of talks Thursday, with Trump emphasizin­g he wants to make sure the oneon-one runs smoothly.

“Speed is not important,” Trump said to reporters. “What’s important is that we do the right deal.”

The two leaders spoke amicably via translator­s about the longstandi­ng issue of restrainin­g Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons.

“The relationsh­ip is just very strong. … A lot of great ideas were being thrown about,” Trump said vaguely of he and Kim.

Asked if this summit would yield a political declaratio­n to end the Korean War on Wednesday, Trump told reporters: “We’ll see.”

Trump’s schedule for Thursday also promised a “joint agreement signing ceremony” after their meetings conclude.

 ??  ?? North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un chats with President Trump during summit Wednesday in Vietnam. Trump’s aides banned some reporters after they asked uncomforta­ble questions about his scandals back at home. Above, Trump stands under statue of Ho Chi Minh.
North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un chats with President Trump during summit Wednesday in Vietnam. Trump’s aides banned some reporters after they asked uncomforta­ble questions about his scandals back at home. Above, Trump stands under statue of Ho Chi Minh.
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