New York Daily News

Nowhere near Theroux with co-op fracas


Justin Theroux’s war with his Greenwich Village neighbor escalated Wednesday in a bizarre, dramatic hearing that featured arguments about the definition of stairs, calls for peace and an allegation of domestic abuse.

The “Leftovers” actor and his downstairs neighbor Norman Resnicow have been waging a scorched-earth legal battle against each other for two years due to a disagreeme­nt over 40 square feet on a roof deck behind their Greenwich Village co-op. The feud has included claims that Theroux mistreated his dogs and Resnicow menaced members of the co-op board.

Earlier this week, the case took a serious turn when Theroux filed a sworn statement in Manhattan Supreme Court claiming that in February he heard Resnicow berating his wife. The actor said he then saw the woman with a black eye.

“At some point you have to fight back for yourself after years of turning the other cheek,” Theroux’s attorney Eric Sherman said. “We have no choice here because Mr. Resnicow cannot control his impulses.”

The hunky actor who was married to Jennifer Aniston, and Resnicow, who is an attorney, sat only feet apart from each other in court, awkwardly avoiding eye contact.

Settlement talks fell apart and both sides are now asking the Justice Gerald Lebovits to resolve the property boundary issue.

“We are asking primarily for our property. We want peace,” Sherman said. “We want to be left alone in our home unmolested by Mr. Resnicow.”

Resnicow’s lawyer Peter Levine delivered passionate, lengthy legal arguments about where a staircase begins and ends.

“Stairs are stairs!” he yelled, slamming his fist on a table.

The judge said he would issue a ruling on the property boundary soon. But he was troubled by the allegation Resnicow beat his wife, which he said might require a full trial. Lebovits said a second allegation of such abuse would require swift action.

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