New York Daily News

Don’s HUD aide: ‘I am not a prop’


Fresh off a high-profile stint as President Trump’s racism buffer, local federal housing chief Lynne Patton was back in New York Monday to resume her live-in tour of NYCHA projects.

“I am not a prop,” Patton told reporters at the Queensbrid­ge Houses of her appearance at last week’s congressio­nal hearing at which President Trump’s former fixer and personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, labeled his former boss a racist.

“The only prop in that room is Michael Cohen for the Democratic Party,” Patton said. She also said: “Michael Cohen is going to jail.”

She declined to answer a Daily News reporter’s question about whether Trump’s support of the birther movement — which promoted a lie that former President Barack Obama was born in Kenya — was a sign of his racism. “I answered your question,” Patton said.

At the House Oversight Committee hearing in Washington on Wednesday, Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) introduced Patton, an AfricanAme­rican, and stated that “there is no way that she would work for an individual who was racist.”

Patton herself did not speak at the hearing.

The current stop on Patton’s NYCHA itinerary is Queens, where she will bed down in the home of a tenant leader at the Queensbrid­ge Houses, the largest housing project in North America.

“It is also the same community where the new Amazon headquarte­rs was supposed to based,” Patton noted on Facebook. “While my primary goal remains effectuati­ng immediate on-site repairs & relaying failures to the monitor, I also plan to give the residents “A NATIONAL VOICE” on what most of them deem to be a stolen opportunit­y with Amazon! Politics should NEVER play part in either fixing or securing jobs for #NYCHA!”

Patton, regional administra­tor of the federal Department of Housing and Urban Developmen­t, has already spent two weeks living in NYCHA homes in the Bronx and Manhattan — where she got stuck in an elevator at the Upper West Side’s Frederick Douglass Houses.

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