New York Daily News

‘Brave’ Gilly hits Don in ’20 kickoff


New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand formally announced her candidacy for President on Sunday with a video that takes a jab at President Trump’s divisive policies with a simple question: “Will brave win?”

“Well, it hasn’t always, and it isn’t right now,” she says in the three-minute Twitter video launching her campaign that doesn’t mention Trump by name.

“Brave doesn’t pit people against each other. Brave doesn’t put money over lives. Brave doesn’t spread hate.

“Cloud truth. Build a wall. That’s what fear does.”

Gillibrand (photo), the state’s junior Democratic senator since 2009, has been one of Trump’s more vocal critics. She said her first speech as a candidate will be held next Sunday in front of the Trump Internatio­nal Hotel & Tower in New York.

She announced her explorator­y committee two months ago, and has visited such states as New Hampshire and South Carolina. She plans to go to Michigan, Iowa and Nevada in the coming weeks.

Gillibrand joins a crowded Democratic field of more than a dozen candidates that includes Bernie Sanders, Beto O’Rourke, Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker and Kamala Harris. Former Vice President Joe Biden is believed to be close to announcing a bid for the White House as well.

Gillibrand says in her launch video that the U.S. needs a leader who “makes bold, brave choices” and “someone who isn’t afraid of progress. That’s why I’m running for President.

“When I voted against the Wall Street bailout while both parties threw billions at the banks; when I took on the Pentagon to end to sexual assault in the military; when I turned a red district blue against all odds; when I challenged Congress by making my meetings, finances and taxes public so people could see I was working for them; I took your lead. I chose brave, too.”

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