New York Daily News

Kellyanne’s hubby ‘total loser’: Prez


President Trump slammed the spouse to a top adviser as a “loser” Tuesday after he suggested the President suffers from a severe case of narcissist­ic personalit­y disorder.

“A total loser!” Trump tweeted of George Conway, the husband of presidenti­al counselor Kellyanne Conway.

Conway, a vocal critic of his wife’s boss, replied by doubling down on his assertion the President is mentally ill.

“Congratula­tions,” he tweeted back at Trump. “You just guaranteed that millions more people are going to learn about narcissist­ic personalit­y disorder and malignant narcissism! Great job!”

George Conway (photo) spent Monday tweeting textbook descriptio­ns of the two mental health diagnoses in a not-so-subtle knock at Trump.

The disorders are characteri­zed by a “pervasive pattern of grandiosit­y,” a constant “need for admiration,” a “pervasive pattern of disregard for and violations of the rights of others” and a “failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors.”

Prior to Trump’s “loser” missive, Conway linked back to his Monday tweets and asked the President directly, “Which of these diagnostic criteria do you not satisfy?”

George Conway’s questionin­g of Trump’s mental health mirrors concerns reportedly raised by senior Justice Department officials after the President fired ex-FBI Director James Comey in May 2017.

According to reports, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and other Justice Department brass discussed wearing a wire around Trump and invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office on grounds that he’s mentally unfit to serve.

Rosenstein vehemently denies those assertions. Speaking to reporters Monday, Kellyanne Conway said she does not share her husband’s “concerns” about the President.

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