New York Daily News

Dems: ‘Spy’ claim hurts AG credibilit­y


Attorney General William Barr shredded his own credibilit­y by parroting right-wing claims that the Obama administra­tion spied on the 2016 Trump campaign, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and other Democrats charged on Thursday.

Barr told the Senate a day earlier he was looking at whether any laws had been broken by FBI and Justice Department officials in obtaining foreign surveillan­ce warrants to investigat­e Russian contacts with Trump campaign advisers — activity Barr called “spying” during a Senate committee hearing.

The Russian probe led to the appointmen­t of special counsel Robert Mueller. Use of the word “spying” to describe that initial investigat­ion echoes the language of President Trump and some of his more strident supporters who call the probe “Spygate.”

Schumer, talking to reporters after Democrats issued a raft of demands regarding the Mueller report, argued Democrats could no longer have faith in Barr’s ability to do a reasonable job in evaluating what he will release from special counsel Robert Mueller’s 22-month investigat­ion into Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 presidenti­al election.

“Barr’s comments yesterday have just destroyed the scintilla of credibilit­y he had left in terms of being a fair and impartial person,” Schumer told reporters in Washington.

Later, Barr softened his words some, but Schumer insisted Barr “knew what he was doing — this was not an accident” when he used “the words of the conspiracy theorists and some of the president’s allies on Fox News.”

Barr has refused to discuss the Mueller report beyond a four-page summary. He said he will release a redacted version next week, but Democrats want the whole thing, and said as much in a letter letter to Barr signed by Schumer, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, committee chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler and other topranking Democrats.

A spokeswoma­n for the Department of Justice did not immediatel­y reply to a request for comment.

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