New York Daily News




Mayor de Blasio had an extraordin­ary change of heart Friday and declared it’s time to impeach President Trump for “treason” — just days after complainin­g there’s “too much talk about impeachmen­t” among Democrats.

Hizzoner, feeling feisty since he made the cut for the first Democratic presidenti­al debate, justified his dramatic impeachmen­t flip-flop by pointing at Trump’s recent admission that he would welcome foreign interferen­ce in the 2020 election if it helped him win.

“Inviting hostile foreign powers to interfere in American elections isn’t just idiotic or unpatrioti­c, it’s actually treason. Talk about the ‘Art of the Deal,’” de Blasio tweeted, poking fun at Trump’s 1987 best seller. “We can’t wait any longer. It’s time to #ImpeachTru­mpNow.”

De Blasio’s pro-impeachmen­t missive was a far cry from comments he made in an interview on June 6.

“I think there’s too much talk about impeachmen­t,” the mayor told Fox News host Bret Baier then. “I think there should be a lot more talk about what we can do for working people.”

Acknowledg­ing his aboutface, de Blasio added to the Friday tweet: “Democrats should focus on issues that matter to working families and beating Trump in 2020. That hasn’t changed.”

An official from Trump’s 2020 campaign ridiculed de Blasio over his dithering impeachmen­t stance and questioned the mayor’s relevance as a presidenti­al candidate.

“If Bill de Blasio falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” the official told the Daily News.

De Blasio has struggled to cross the 1% threshold in most Democratic primary polls.

The mayor’s 180 on impeachmen­t came on the heels of Trump suggesting in a televised interview with ABC News that there’s noth

ing wrong about taking damaging informatio­n on political opponents from foreign adversarie­s, such as China and Russia.

“They have informatio­n, I think I’d take it,” Trump said.

The president even said he wouldn’t necessaril­y report such attempts at election interferen­ce to the FBI, even though his own FBI director, Christophe­r Wray, says any candidate should absolutely do so, especially considerin­g the damage Russia caused with its pro-Trump efforts in the 2016 election.

Trump’s shocking comments prompted widespread backlash, and de Blasio wasn’t the only Democratic candidate to jump on the impeachmen­t train as a result.

“After hearing the president say, flat-out, that he would accept a foreign power’s offer of dirt on an electoral competitor and probably not inform the FBI of such an effort, I believe that Congress must pursue impeachmen­t,” California congressma­n and presidenti­al wannabe Eric Swalwell tweeted Thursday, joining a pro-impeachmen­t chorus in the House comprising more than 60 lawmakers.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) regularly condemns Trump’s “criminal coverup” of his alleged obstructio­n of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigat­ion.

Nonetheles­s, the speaker has refused to pull the trigger on an impeachmen­t inquiry, arguing she’d rather see Trump defeated at the ballot box in 2020 since the GOP-controlled Senate would all but certainly reject any impeachmen­t articles passed by the House.

Impeachmen­t has become a litmus test of sorts for many Democratic candidates.

In addition to de Blasio and Swalwell, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, Massachuse­tts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, California Sen. Kamala Harris, New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker and former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke have all come out in favor of launching an impeachmen­t inquiry.

Democratic front-runner Joe Biden notably has not backed an impeachmen­t inquiry yet.

Trump’s stunning remarks on election interferen­ce also prompted an unusual statement from Federal Election Commission chairwoman Ellen Weintraub.

“Let me make something 100% clear to the American public and anyone running for public office: It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election. This is not a novel concept.”

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 ?? JEFF BACHNER / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS; AP ?? Mayor de Blasio now says President Trump should be impeached for “treason,” after Trump said he’d be happy to have foreign government­s help him get reelected.
JEFF BACHNER / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS; AP Mayor de Blasio now says President Trump should be impeached for “treason,” after Trump said he’d be happy to have foreign government­s help him get reelected.
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