New York Daily News

Sandy Hook kin score win vs. hoax scum

Son whacked mob dad, targeted bro, feds say


HARTFORD, Conn. — The father of a victim of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre has won a defamation lawsuit against the authors of a book that claimed the shooting never happened — the latest victory for relatives who have been taking a more aggressive stance against conspiracy theorists.

“Nobody Died at Sandy Hook” has been pulled from shelves to settle claims against its publisher filed by Lenny Pozner, whose son Noah, 6, was killed in the shooting.

“My face-to-face interactio­ns with Mr. Pozner have led me to believe that Mr. Pozner is telling the truth about the death of his son,” Moon Rock Books Principal Officer Dave Gahary said Monday.

In a separate ruling, a Wisconsin judge issued a summary judgment Monday. A trial to decide damages has been set for October.

Pozner has been pushing back for years against hoaxers who have harassed him, subjected him to death threats and claimed that he was an actor and his son never existed. He has spent years getting Facebook and others to remove conspiracy videos and set up a website to debunk conspiracy theories.

Lately, the fight has been joined by others who lost relatives in the Dec. 14, 2012, school shooting in Newtown, Conn. After quietly enduring harassment and ridiculous assertions for years, some have changed their approach, deciding the only way to stop it is to confront it. Their efforts have turned the tables on the hoaxers, including Alex Jones, host of the conspiracy-driven Infowars website.

Victims’ families scored another victory Tuesday when a Connecticu­t judge sanctioned Jones for an outburst on his web show against one of the families’ lawyers.

Judge Barbara Bellis ordered the Infowars host to pay some of the relatives’ legal fees and prohibited him from filing motions to dismiss their defamation lawsuit against him.

The families of several of the 20 kids and six educators killed in the shooting are suing Jones, Infowars and others for promoting the hoax theory.

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