New York Daily News

Objective endorsemen­ts for Queens DA

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Jamaica: Your June 1 article and the comments contained therein are a disservice to the hardworkin­g members of the Judiciary Committee of the Queens County Bar Associatio­n (“Surprise! All-white Queens Bar Associatio­n panel gives highest rating to white male in district attorney race”). The judiciary committee takes seriously that the quality of the justice administer­ed to the people of Queens County is determined principall­y by the quality of its judiciary and of the public officers closely associated with the judicial system. Given the enormous amount of power bestowed upon the district attorney and the far-reaching effects the role has upon all members of the community and the way the government functions, our committee members are held to high standards of integrity and are expected to conduct themselves accordingl­y at all times.

Our members are selected for their experience and integrity and we do not utilize quota systems to arbitraril­y create diversity.

We treat all of the candidates that appear before us fairly and respectful­ly. The five candidates for district attorney which we found qualified included men and women from diverse background­s, cultures and religions.

Our judiciary committee strives to have an acceptable standard of competence and integrity within the legal systems in service to the Queens community. Marie-Eleana First

president, Queens County Bar Associatio­n

Let down by The News

Brooklyn: I rely on the Daily News Editorial Board to look under the hood when it comes to endorsemen­ts of judicial candidates. They usually do a good job, but “Vote for López Torres,” (editorial, June 15) which claims that López Torres has “kept it whistle clean” seems to rely on decade old anecdotes about campaign slogans instead of reviewing the audit reports from the last three New York City controller­s. All three of the last controller­s found widespread mismanagem­ent concluding that the court was “unable to credit those funds back to the estates to which they belong,” meaning the money under López Torres’ tenure disappeare­d. Whistle-clean? I think not. I’m voting for Elena Baron. When Baron beat the machine two years ago to become a Civil Court judge, she didn’t join the old boy’s club. That’s how you can tell who the real reformer is.

John O’Hara

Lady power

Forest Hills: I would like to respond to Voicer Earl Beal’s letter. He asked if New Yorkers would be comfortabl­e with Elizabeth Warren having access to the nuclear football. My answer is a resounding

yes! I would prefer to have that “shrill” woman presiding over our country rather than Benedict Donnie any day! Libby Gurgis

Difference in opinion

Rego Park: Cheap political thrill? How about gripping true story of five kids wrongfully accused, tried and convicted of a crime none of them committed? Voicer Jose Sierra’s use of the word “devil” when referring to Ava DuVernay tells you all you need to know about his mindset. I wonder how he would feel if that “angel” Linda Fairstein sent one of his kids to jail for no reason?

Randy Barona

Book lover

Manhattan: Oh, say it isn’t so! To go to a bookstore, the Strand, and riffle through the pages of a new book! Thinking of buying it. Or a used book. Thinking of buying one of those too. I did. Turning the pages, almost smelling the ink. This is not possible online or even in a sterile Amazon store. Amazon, what are you doing to readers who cherish books and love bookstores? Your ill-stocked bookstores can’t even compare to the Strand, where the assistants know books and can locate it on the shelf and often have read it. Oh, the joy of taking it home for a night of reading. Diane Wintering

Big tech

Manhattan: How ironic that YouTube is impersonat­ing the Nazis by removing videos that criticize the Empire, using the silly lie that they’re trying to stop evil. Um, Google’s own staff walked out in protest of how the company is impersonat­ing Nazism daily. The staff even said Google was guilty of human rights violations in China and America! I had my videos about the Holocaust blocked, illegally, because I pointed out that America doesn’t call the ethnic cleansing of Indians a “holocaust.” That makes my videos the opposite of Holocaust deniers, but no one at YouTube can read or understand plain English. I may have to sue them for this fraud that wasted my time and money. Never forget: an iron fist can never ever ever ever be correct. It has no intelligen­ce. It’s just a big dumb powerful iron fist.

Lindsay Ritz


Floral Park, L.I.: Welcome, Edwin Encarnació­n, to the Bronx Bombers. How long will it be before you single to center field, run to first base and slowly hobble past the bag with “a cramp,” a pulled quad, a bruised tendon or a bruised ligament? Maybe even a “bruised tenement” — the combinatio­n of both — as the late Casey Stengel would say. Casey, we loved you.

Edward Rankin

Old Glory

Flushing: It was appalling that there was not a word in your paper about Flag Day. I would have put a full-size picture of our flag flying proudly on the front page proclaimin­g a day to honor our national symbol.

John Weiss

Not funny at all

Manhattan: What does it say about the current administra­tion that when one hears the secretary of state say that Iran attacked two ships, the thought that comes to mind is, it’s a Trump trick to start a war. When the president snaps at a journalist “Take my word for it,” we laugh at the idea of his telling the truth. When Trump admits that he sees nothing wrong with accepting helpful informatio­n from a foreign source, it amuses us that some people are surprised. But this scary clown in the White House is no longer funny; for some

GETTY IMAGES time now it’s been obvious that he’s the true national security risk. And he’s proud of it — after all, he says it’s “smart” to dodge the draft, to not pay taxes, to leave his business partners to pay the bills whenever he goes bankrupt. He thinks it’s clever to be buddies with dictators like Putin and Kim Jong Un, though if he were actually smart, he’d realize that they’re using him for their own purposes. Carol Robinson

Seeking proofraede­rs

Manhattan: Like Voicer Rita Nanes, I would like to apply for a proofreade­r position. I have experience and I majored in English. For a major newspaper in a world-class city, there are just too many errors in your newspaper. Spelling, grammar and context errors. I am a retiree who will work for minimum wage.

Clarence Williams


Fairfield, Conn.: To Voicer Todd Schuster: Yes, they were all good weather people, but in the case of Tex Antoine, he made a small mistake on air. Citing Confucius, he said, “If rape is inevitable, lie back and enjoy it.” That is why I love live TV. No seven-second delay. Edward Petitti

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