New York Daily News

Bronx teen fessed in video to fatal stab in classroom


The words of a Bronx teen accused of fatally stabbing a fellow student during class were used against him Monday during the second day of his manslaught­er trial.

Abel Cedeno, now 20, told Bronx detectives he confessed to stabbing 15-year-old Matthew McCree on Sept. 27, 2017 during a phone conversati­on with his sister shortly after the attack, a videotape played in court showed.

“Ooh, I’m gonna go to jail because this happened,” Cedeno said he told his sister.

During his three-hour sitdown with detectives, the teen also told cops he’d purchased the switchblad­e used in the attack two Fridays before McCree’s killing, and then demonstrat­ed how to use it.

“It kinda springs up,” when you let go of the safety, he says in the video while gesturing with his hands.

Cedeno is on trial for manslaught­er and other related charges in connection to McCree’s death. His lawyers have tried to justify the slaying as self-defense, and claim the defendant was subjected to relentless bullying over his sexuality for years prior to the incident.

Prior to viewing the video confession, Judge Michael Gross heard from two students who were present at the killing inside the Urban Assembly School for Wildlife Conservati­on classroom in the Bronx.

Aanaiya Santiago, 17, told the court the incident was sparked by a paper ball thrown in Cedeno’s direction.

“Who threw the paper? Who the f—k threw the paper?” Santiago quoted Cedeno as saying.

“I’m sorry, it wasn’t meant for you,” McCree replied from the back row of the classroom, the witness said.

“All of you in the back are p——-s,” Cedeno shot back, before daring the students to fight.

Santiago said when McCree made his way to the front of the classroom, she saw Cedeno pull a blade out of his right pocket.

“I don’t think (McCree) saw it, and he just kept making his way towards (Cedeno),” Santiago said.

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