New York Daily News

Don’t be a twit


Since well before he was a candidate, Donald Trump utilized the @realdonald­trump Twitter account as a sword and a shield, a tool to taunt and to preen. Having followed him into the White House, that private-citizen account has morphed into an official communicat­ions channel. He routinely announces personnel and policy decisions there. And he does it not only with his own two plump thumbs, but with aid of on-theclock government staffers.

As such, the federal Second Circuit Court of Appeals rightly ruled, Trump can’t willy-nilly block Twitter users who disagree with him.

When an individual is blocked, as one member of this Editorial Board is, he can’t even see the president’s tweets, short of going through frustratin­g workaround­s. Nor can the blockee reply to the blocker.

When the originatin­g account includes official pronouncem­ents bearing on the future of the country, that adds up to an infringeme­nt on constituti­onal speech rights.

(We sympathize with politician­s’ need to tune out truly awful trolls who engage in ad hominem attacks. That can be done through another Twitter tool, called muting, that doesn’t effectivel­y stop those individual­s from engaging.)

This isn’t just about Trump: No sooner did the decision come down than former Assemblyma­n Dov Hikind (hypocritic­ally, as he blocked followers himself when in office) cited it in his own push to get Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to stop blocking him.

The rule fits in far less than 280 characters: If an official uses a Twitter account to do public business, everyone gets to see it.

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