New York Daily News

Rabbis, doorman tell feds super-snitch is a mensch


Rabbis and a grateful doorman were among the nearly 30 friends and relatives who say Mayor de Blasio donor and star government witness Jona Rechnitz is a kindhearte­d man who deserves a break at his upcoming sentencing.

Rechnitz, who spent the last several years as a prolific snitch for the U.S. attorney’s office while admitting he bribed police and other officials, will be sentenced in Manhattan Federal Court for fraud on Nov. 1.

His lawyers, who say he should get time served, filed 27 missives from people who maintain the convicted fraudster is a one-ofa-kind mensch.

“Whenever a situation came up regarding someone that was in need, he was the first to help,” said Rabbi Steven Burg, who met Rechnitz through the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

Burg said Rechnitz has been punished already because he’s been ostracized in the Jewish community after becoming a government witness. A “prominent” community member once remarked that the longtime palm-greaser was wearing a wire when Burg met Rechnitz for a meal, Burg said.

The religious leader asked the judge “to take the pain he has suffered these past few years and all the acts of kindness he has done and continues to do into considerat­ion in deciding the sentence you deem appropriat­e.”

Haskel Lookstein, a rabbi with ties to Rechnitz’s family, added he’s “convinced that he is genuinely contrite and ridden with guilt” for his bad behavior. One of Rechnitz’s biggest fans is David Alvarez, a doorman at the luxurious Apthrop building on the Upper West Side, said that Rechnitz helped him when his mother died and when he was faced with losing his apartment. A notorious police buff, Rechnitz helped the feds score conviction­s against former city correction union boss Norman Seabrook and hedge fund founder Murray Huberfeld.

He assisted the government in an investigat­ion of de Blasio’s fund-raising, which did not yield charges, and played key role in a case involving the NYPD’s License Division.

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