New York Daily News

Reveal of Don taxes blocked — for now


Chief Justice John Roberts went to bat for President Trump on Monday, indefinite­ly delaying the release of his tax returns as the Supreme Court considers how to handle a Democratic demand for the long-sought records.

Roberts’ order did not offer any hint on how the high court will eventually rule in the high-stakes case. But it temporaril­y blocks a lower ruling from taking effect that would have mandated the Trump records be released Wednesday.

With the hold in place, the Supreme Court will now consider whether to let the lower court ruling stand or whether it will undertake a full review of the case, which was brought by the Democratic­controlled House Oversight Committee.

If the high court rules it needs a full review, the delay could drag on for months as the bench’s nine justices would likely ask for oral arguments before crafting a written opinion.

However, if the court opts to not take up the case, Trump’s tax records could see the light of day within a matter of days or weeks. Roberts’ order gives until Thursday for the oversight panel to respond.

Democrats on the committee demanded access to several years’ worth of Trump tax returns in an April subpoena issued to Mazars USA, an accounting firm used by the president for years.

Then-House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings, who died last month, said at the time that his panel needed access to review the tax documents after former personal Trump attorney Michael Cohen testified that the records would corroborat­e claims the president committed fraud.

Despite promising to do so before his election, Trump refused to release his tax returns upon taking office, becoming the only president in modern memory to do so.

Alongside the oversight committee subpoena, the Supreme Court is dealing with a separate pending request from Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance Jr., who wants access to Trump’s tax returns over allegation­s that business records were falsified as part of his salacious hush payment to porn star Stormy Daniels.

The Supreme Court’s nine justices meet next on Friday for a private session, during which both tax return requests are likely to be discussed.

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