New York Daily News


Envoy gives impeach panel all the dirt on Team Trump’s plot for quid pro quo



Gordon Sondland’s third time was a charm — and a disaster for President Trump.

The U.S. ambassador to the European Union finally got to the heart of the matter as he appeared in the impeachmen­t inquiry for a third time Wednesday, declaring that Trump personally orchestrat­ed a shady quid pro quo plot for Ukrainian investigat­ions and had several cabinet members “in the loop” to do the dirty work.

Sondland’s nationally televised testimony dealt the most decisive impeachmen­t blow yet to Trump and implicated Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Vice President Mike Pence, former Energy Secretary Rick Perry and acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney in the bid to pressure Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky into announcing investigat­ions of Joe Biden’s family and other Democrats before the 2020 election.

The EU envoy — who was handpicked for his post by Trump after donating $1 million to his inaugural committee — dropped a bomb off the bat by delivering an opening statement confirming there was “a quid pro quo” catch in the Ukraine scandal.

The catch, Sondland explained, was that Trump wouldn’t meet with Zelensky at the White House unless the Ukrainian leader publicly committed to opening one investigat­ion into Burisma — a Ukrainian gas company on whose board Biden’s son Hunter once sat — and another one into debunked right-wing claims that anti-Trump Ukrainians interfered in the 2016 election.

These preconditi­ons were mostly relayed by Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s personal attorney, said Sondland, who appeared relaxed despite the high-stakes hearing, smiling, laughing and even cracking a few jokes.

But it was clear, Sondland said, that the directives ultimately came from the top.

“Mr. Giuliani was expressing the desires of the president of the United States, and we knew that these investigat­ions were important to the president,” Sondland said in the sworn appearance. “[We] worked with Mr. Rudy Giuliani on Ukraine matters at the express direction of the president.”

Dubbed the “Three Amigos,” Sondland said he, Perry and former U.S. special envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker “followed the president’s orders” to “talk to Rudy” and press Ukraine to launch the investigat­ions.

But Sondland stressed he carried out the mission reluctantl­y.

“We weren’t happy. … We did not want to involve Mr. Giuliani,” Sondland testified. “I believed then, as I do now, that the men and women of the State Department, not the president’s personal lawyer, should take responsibi­lity for Ukraine matters.”

He added, “We did not want to work with him. … We played the hand we were dealt.”

Democrats and Republican­s alike noted that Wednesday marked Sondland’s third time revising his testimony and that, each time, his account has grown remarkably more explosive.

“All due respect, Sir, we appreciate your candor, but let’s be really clear on what it took to get it out of you,” said Rep. Sean Maloney (D-Hudson Valley).

Still, Sondland on Wednesday provided impeachmen­t investigat­ors with indisputab­le evidence, including a string of emails confirming he kept Pompeo, Mulvaney and several State Department officials updated on his progress in Ukraine. He also testified he expressed concerns about the Ukraine scheme to Pence.

In one email, Pompeo said Sondland was “doing great work” in the push for Ukrainian

investigat­ions and urged him to keep “banging away.”

“Everyone was in the loop,” Sondland said. “It was no secret.”

Trump waved off the substance of Sondland’s testimony and insisted he doesn’t know the ambassador “very well,” even though he took a huge political donation from him in 2016 and called him a “great American” last month.

“I have not spoken to him much. This is not a man I know well. He seems like a nice guy, though,” Trump told reporters at the White House after reading from crudely written crib notes spelling out, using a Sharpie, “I WANT NOTHING” and “I WANT NO QUID PRO QUO.”

After Sondland wrapped up nearly six hours of testimony, Laura Cooper, a Pentagon official overseeing Ukraine policy, and David Hale, a senior State Department official, were grilled in the inquiry.

In an unexpected revelation, Cooper testified her staffers recently told her they received emails showing Ukrainians were inquiring on July 25 about the Trump administra­tion’s “hold” on $391 million in military aid — the same day the president infamously pressed Zelensky over the phone for investigat­ions.

Cooper’s testimony blows a hole in the White House defense that there couldn’t have been a quid pro quo involving the aid because Ukraine

supposedly didn’t find out about the cash freeze until late August.

In Sondland’s testimony, things got more thorny when the conversati­on turned to the military aid.

Sondland said he repeatedly inquired about why the aid was withheld on July 18 but never got “a clear answer.”

“I came to the conclusion that the aid, like the White House visit, was jeopardize­d” and part of the “quid pro quo,” Sondland testified.

Republican­s seized on Sondland’s lack of firsthand knowledge, claiming it proved their case that the impeachmen­t inquiry is a partisan “hoax.”

“You do not have any evidence that the president of the United States was tied to withholdin­g aid from Ukraine in exchange for investigat­ions,” Ohio Rep. Mike Turner said.

Pence’s office, meanwhile, pushed back against Sondland’s claim that he voiced concern to the vice president about the frozen military cash during a Sept. 1 trip to Poland.

“This alleged discussion recalled by Ambassador Sondland never happened,” Pence chief of staff Marc Short said.

Democrats pointed out that the only people who could solve the aid freeze mystery have been blocked by Trump from testifying.

“Both of those political appointees have been subpoenaed to testify and have refused,” House Intelligen­ce

Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said, referring to White House Office of Management and Budget Acting Director Russell Vought and Michael Duffey, a national security programs director at the office.

Moreover, Mulvaney, who has likewise refused to testify under oath, explicitly admitted in a bizarre White House briefing last month that the aid was held up in an attempt to coax Ukraine into launching Trump’s desired investigat­ions, saying such setups happen “all the time with foreign policy.”

Mulvaney later tried to walk back the remark.

Several previous impeachmen­t witnesses, including Volker and Acting U.S. Ambassador

to Ukraine Bill Taylor, have also stated they were under the impression that the U.S. aid was used as a bargaining chip for Ukrainian investigat­ions.

Trump has never himself explained the freeze on the crucial military cash, which helps Ukraine stave off Russian aggression.

The White House eventually released the aid, but only after the whistleblo­wer complaint that sparked the impeachmen­t inquiry began circulatin­g on Capitol Hill.

Schiff had a theory for why he believes the administra­tion eventually gave Ukraine the money.

“They got caught,” he said. “They got caught.”

 ??  ?? EU Ambassador Gordon Sondland tells impeachmen­t panel Wednesday that “everyone was in the loop” to pressure Ukraine for Biden dirt.
EU Ambassador Gordon Sondland tells impeachmen­t panel Wednesday that “everyone was in the loop” to pressure Ukraine for Biden dirt.
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 ??  ?? It may be a joke to him, but testimony Wednesday of U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland (main photo) in House impeachmen­t inquiry clearly isn’t one for President Trump, Rudy Giuliani (center inset opposite page) or Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (right inset).
It may be a joke to him, but testimony Wednesday of U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland (main photo) in House impeachmen­t inquiry clearly isn’t one for President Trump, Rudy Giuliani (center inset opposite page) or Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (right inset).

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