New York Daily News

Major dudes get big bucks

Blaz: Top jobs push gender gap


Mayor de Blasio said Wednesday that some of the highest-paid men in his administra­tion should have been left out of a Daily News analysis of City Hall’s gender pay gap because they “deserve to be well-compensate­d” for working tough jobs regardless of their gender.

Women at the highest levels of the administra­tion made $227,509 on average, which is 10.2% less than the $253,235 average for men, according to a News analysis of salaries for 69 commission­ers, agency heads and directors.

“I’m glad your paper did the analysis; I think there was an element of that that really gave the wrong impression,” de Blasio told The News on Wednesday. “The accurate truth is there’s a handful of jobs — and they happen to be jobs that are paid more than the mayor — that it doesn’t matter what gender the person is, that’s the pay level that those jobs are set at.”

But de Blasio specifical­ly said the head of the public Housing Authority, the city’s public hospital system and the schools chancellor — all men — shouldn’t haven’t been part of the analysis.

Health and Hospital’s Mitchell Katz makes $669,227 a year, a salary set by the system’s board, of which de Blasio appoints a majority of members. Gregory Russ, the chairman of the New York City Housing Authority, now makes $414,707 a year, part of which comes from federal funding.

And Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza makes $363,346 a year. His initial salary was $110,431 higher than his female predecesso­r, Carmen Fariña, who made $234,569 annually before she left the gig in 2018. De Blasio, who makes $258,750 a year, said high salaries help the city stay competitiv­e in bringing in the best talent. “These are some of the toughest public service jobs in America, and they deserve to be well compensate­d,” he said.

Still, less prominent women working for the mayor’s office who don’t lead department­s and agencies also get paid less than men.

Women working full-time for the mayor’s office had an average base salary of $104,204 in fiscal year 2019, which is 4.5% less than the average pay for men of $109,142, The News’ analysis of payroll records found.

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