New York Daily News

Trump’s Asia obsessions


Three developmen­ts out of Asia last week underscore the growing consequenc­es of President Trump’s willingnes­s to subsume U.S. global interests to his personal obsessions. Remember those much-ballyhooed Donald Trump-Kim Jong Un meetings, in which the North Korean dictator won the honor of a face-to-face audience with a fawning U.S. president while giving up nothing serious in return? Last week, a Pyongyang flunky declared it will only “discuss nuclear issues again when [the U.S.] withdraws all of its hostile policy against us.”

As Trump has wooed Kim, he has taken a harder and harder line with erstwhile ally South Korea, raising Seoul’s bill for the presence of 28,000 American troops on the peninsula from about $1 billion to $5 billion. The rich nation should pay more, but

Trump, in typical fashion, has paired an exorbitant hike with protection-racket-style threats to withdraw the troops entirely. That has pushed South Korea into China’s sphere of influence; the two nations’ defense ministers inked a security agreement last week.

Finally, Trump seems ready to veto a proHong Kong democracy legislatio­n that passed Congress nearly unanimousl­y, obsessed as he is with getting a trade “win” from China after tariffs and retaliator­y tariffs have cost the U.S. treasury billions. Which means that Beijing, which has been escalating its crackdown on protesters who cry out to protect their city’s remaining freedom, will have a freer hand to do its dirty work.

So much for a president running the country like a business. With this president, it’s never business; it’s always personal.

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