New York Daily News

Actor happy to share a few of his own on blockbuste­r


LOS ANGELES – On a late October afternoon, the day before his 45th birthday, Joaquin Phoenix sits in a Los Angeles hotel suite and somewhat sheepishly lights an American Spirit cigarette. Back in August, he had managed to quit smoking for about three weeks, he explains, but then he started up again when he traveled to the Venice Film Festival in September for the world premiere of his new film “Joker.” “It’s awful,” Phoenix says, shaking his head. “I’ve got to stop.”

It’s perhaps understand­able that the actor has fallen back on a stressreli­eving crutch like smoking given the head-spinning journey he’s found himself on lately. A grim, gritty take on the origin of the comic-book world’s most iconic villain, director Todd Phillips’ “Joker” rode into theaters last month on a wave of headlinegr­abbing controvers­y and sharply divided reviews and became an instant smash.

The Warner Bros. film has taken in nearly $1 billion worldwide to date, setting a record for the highest-grossing R-rated movie of all time, and Phoenix’s turn as the troubled wouldbe-comedian-turned-murderouse­vildoer Arthur Fleck has landed him at the heart of this year’s lead actor Oscar race.

Plenty of films reap box office riches, but “Joker” has proved to be a bona fide cultural phenomenon. Fans have been making pilgrimage­s to a stairway in the Bronx to reenact the scene in which Fleck does a highkickin­g dance down those steps. Endless think pieces about the movie have exploded across the internet, and viewers have pored over its every detail for clues about what it all means. Phoenix’s Joker suit was, according to one survey, among this year’s most popular Halloween costumes.

All the attention has been a lot for Phoenix to wrap his brain around. This is an actor who has always held fame at an ironic remove, to the point that he made a fake documentar­y, 2010’s “I’m Still Here,” chroniclin­g his supposed crackup and decision to become a rapper. “I don’t think I expected this movie to be successful,” he says. “I don’t know if I had any expectatio­n. Honestly, Todd and I were just trying to make something that didn’t end our careers.”

Before “Joker” came along, Phoenix had turned down a number of offers to star in comic-book movies.

This wasn’t out of some aversion to the genre per se, he insists. (“I’m open to anything — I will consider a liveaction version of ‘Road Runner.’ ”) He simply worried about being swallowed up by the sometimes soulless franchise machinery that often goes along with superhero fare.

“I remember, like eight years ago, I was told, ‘Movies are changing. They’re not making the movies that you want to make, so you’ve got to do one of these,’ ” Phoenix says. “It makes sense. It probably is a good strategy. But for me, I guess the fear was that you’d get locked into doing something repeatedly that you don’t really care about, that doesn’t motivate you or excite you.”

But despite Phoenix’s apparent resistance, Phillips was bent from the start on enticing the actor — who has earned three Oscar nomination­s for his work in 2000’s “Gladiator,” 2005’s “Walk the Line” and 2012’s “The Master” — to bring the Joker to life.

“There’s a little wildness in Joaquin’s eyes,” Phillips says. “I jokingly say he seems like an agent of chaos. He likes blurring the line between what’s real and what’s not. Just based on what I’d seen of him in movies or on TV doing interviews, there was something about that chaotic nature that just felt right.”

Though it took Phoenix four months to finally agree to sign on to the project, he was won over by Phillips’ vision for a grounded character study more akin to Martin Scorsese

films such as “Taxi Driver” and “Raging Bull” than the typical comicbook movie with its CGI spectacle, capes and quips. “Most movies feel so rigid; every moment is designed,” Phoenix says. “This felt like it was untethered and without a blueprint.”

Working with a budget of $55 million, Phillips and Phoenix pushed each other to delve ever deeper into Fleck’s complex, disturbed psyche. “In the second or third week of shooting, I was like, ‘Todd, can you start working on a sequel? There’s way too much to explore,’ ” Phoenix says. “It was kind of in jest — but not really.”

Phillips makes it clear there is nothing in the works but he’s not opposed to a sequel. “But it couldn’t just be this wild and crazy movie about the ‘Clown Prince of Crime,’ ” he says. “It would have to have some thematic resonance in a similar way that this does. Because I think that’s ultimately why the movie connected, it’s what’s going on underneath.”

In the run-up to its release, “Joker” got off to an auspicious start, earning raves at Venice and winning the festival’s top prize. But soon, controvers­y began to swirl around the film as some critics questioned whether, in an age of all-too-frequent mass shootings, its depiction of an alienated loner wreaking bloody vengeance on an uncaring society was irresponsi­ble and even dangerous.

Looking back, Phoenix says now, he felt blindsided by the controvers­y.

Based on his own research into the type of people who commit assassinat­ions and mass shootings, he feared that lending credence and media oxygen to the debate might do more to inspire some disturbed would-be killer to try to grab the limelight than a film about a fictional character.

“It was an awkward position to be in because I thought, ‘Well, I can’t address this because this is the thing that is potentiall­y part of the problem — that’s precisely what you shouldn’t do,’ ” he says. “It suddenly seemed like I was being evasive and trying to avoid this topic because it made me uncomforta­ble. But really I was thinking, ‘This is the very thing that would excite this kind of personalit­y.’ ”

After weeks of what he calls “noise and meshugas,” Phillips says he feels vindicated to see that the film has struck a chord with audiences around the world.

“It’s not the box office but the reception that’s been vindicatin­g,” Phillips says. “It’s the fact that I get emails from people telling me that the movie made them look at their sister who suffers from schizophre­nia in a different light. Ultimately, the movie is about the power of kindness and the lack of empathy in the world, and the audience seems to have picked up on that. It’s amazing that a movie that was supposed to inspire, as they put it, mass mayhem really has just inspired a bunch of people dancing down staircases.”


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