New York Daily News

Star stunned by long-gone dad in court


Tekashi69’s father, who last saw his son when he was in the third grade, picked a heck of a time to pop back into the notorious Brooklyn rapper’s life.

The elder Daniel Hernandez was kicked out of the house by Tekashi’s mom for shooting heroin in the bathroom, Lance Lazzaro, an attorney for the entertaine­r, said. The 58-yearold Hernandez (inset) caused a brief spectacle in Manhattan Federal Court when he tried to get his namesake son’s attention in the midst of the hearing. Tekashi was incredulou­s. “I took one glance — I see my biological father. I haven’t seen him since the third grade,” Tekashi, 23, said, addressing the court before being sentenced. “I don’t even know if this is a f——n joke, everything I go through.”

His father even attempted to raise his hand and address the court, but Judge Paul Engelmayer rejected the request.

“It’s way too late to show and speak on his behalf. You squandered that right many years ago,” Engelmayer said.

The hearing concluded with Engelmayer sentencing the rapper-turned-cooperator to two years in prison.

Outside the courtroom, Tekashi’s father said he’d been trying to get back in touch for a long time, but he didn’t have his son’s phone number.

“I wanted to tell him I love him. I miss him,” he said. “Why is he going to be angry?” Hernandez Sr. asked.

Tekashi said in court that he grew up in Bushwick, Brooklyn without a dad. His mother cleaned apartments and collected recyclable­s from trash cans for money. His stepdad, who briefly became a father figure, was shot and killed when Tekashi was 13. He was diagnosed with depression, anxiety and PTSD, Lazzaro said.

“Too little, too late,” Lazzaro said of the biological father’s appearance. “I think it startled Daniel.”

Tekashi dropped out of high school in ninth grade. He became an instant celebrity in late 2017 thanks to his hyperaggre­ssive Nine Trey Bloods anthem, “GUMMO.”

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